Where are we?

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Ezra's (POV)

"Hey guys look" I say as I run up to the head of the ghost "what is it?" Everyone asks well look I found this cool kyber crystal " wow" can I see it?" Asks Sabine sure I say as I pass it down to her "this will make  a great peace of art" she says as she looks at it then something happens a bright glowing light fills the room and then it's all black .When I wake up someone is laying on me so I scream CAN YOU GUYS PLEASE GETOF OF ME!!!!!!! Oof sorry Ezra everybody says as they get off of him where are we i ask Kanan replies it seems we're on Corasate ( I think thats how u spell it) well I can't be sure. I guess we're gonna find out said Sabine as a person is walking towards us hello as the mystery person walks towards us hi uh we were just going i say and we run hey wait they say so we keep running when we've thought that we lost that person I say wow who was that person yeah wait what day is it it's 20 years back in the future answers chopper well then let's do what we Normally do I say  ok meet back here yep everyone says ok I go and steal some food Sabine go paints zeb gambles and Kanan trains with the force Hera flys ships and chopper helps fix the ships then they all meet up hey so what did we all get I got food ,I got some paint, I got some credits ,me too says Hera hey says that same person we spin around of great he's got friends me and Kanan activate our lightsabers hey you don't got to be hostile he says yeah well give us one good reason not to well we could teach you one of them suggested "SNIPS no" you know why does master yoda want you on this mission anyway well I don't know hey u guys get back here we try and sneak away well will u take the offer or not snips asks well fine Kanan says we all glare at him well great so what are ur names she asks I whisper to my friends use ur code names I'm Spector 6 and these are Spector 1 Spector 2 Spector 3 Spector 4 and Spector 5 ok she says well I'm ahsoka ahsoka tano 

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