Chapter 24 ~ Breaking the News

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Luke's Pov

I woke up the next morning, and I could hear Ash crying in the bathroom. I walked over to the door and knocked.

"Baby. Are you okay in there?" "Y-Yeah. I'm fine."

"Ash. Don't lie to me." "C-Can you just g-give me a m-minute?"

"Sure baby."

I walked back over to the bed and saw Dylan smiling up at me from her bassinet. I picked her up and said, "Someone's feeling better." She giggled at me and started to pull on my lip ring.

I took her hand off my mouth and said, "What's Papa told you about pulling on my lip ring?" She tried to reach for it again, so I grabbed one of her toys and put it in her hand instead.

I took her downstairs and made her a bottle, since it didn't look like Ash was going to come out of the bathroom anytime soon. Once her bottle was ready, I took her upstairs and sat on the bed.

I fed her her bottle and then burped her. Once she was finished, I laid her on the bed and let her have tummy time.

After 30 minutes, Ash still hadn't come out of the bathroom. I picked Dylan up and went over to the bathroom door. I knocked and said, "Ash. Babe. Is everything alright?"

When I didn't get an answer, I instantly got worried. I got the key off the top of the door and unlocked it. I opened the door and saw Ash curled up in a ball, tears staining his cheeks. I sighed and crouched down next to him.

I shook him a little bit and said, "Baby. Wake up." "N-No. It's not true."

"Ash. What's not true?" "I-I'm not pregnant. I can't be."

I sat on the floor next to him and pulled his head in my lap. He immediately shot up and said, "Oh god. What did I say?"

"You were saying that you're not pregnant and that you couldn't be. Is everything okay?" "I, um, Luke. I'm. Um. I'm pregnant again."

"You're pregnant again? For real? Like you're not messing with me?" "I knew you would be upset."

"No baby. I'm not upset. Just a little surprised is all. I mean. Dylan's only three months old." "I'm sorry. I should've done something to prevent it."

"No babe. It's okay. Remember, it took both of us to make a baby. How far along are you?" "I, um, I'm 3 weeks."

"So this is a honeymoon baby?" He nodded and said, "Please don't be mad."

I pulled him into my chest, the best I could while I was holding Dylan, and said, "I'm not mad baby. We're just adding another addition to this crazy ass family." "I'm so sorry Luke."

"Baby. You have nothing to be sorry about." "B-But It's s-so early to have another b-baby."

"Ashy. I'm not upset. Just take a second and breathe." He just laid his head on my chest, letting out shaky breaths. It was quiet for a moment until Dylan started crying.

I rocked her a little bit and said, "Just a second baby girl. Let's get Daddy off the bathroom floor and then we'll get you changed." I helped Ash up and got him to lay on the bed.

Once he was on the bed, I went down to the nursery and changed Dylan's diaper. I put her in a fresh onesie and wrapped her in her favorite blanket. I went back into Ash and I's room and sat on the bed.

He instantly laid his head in my lap and I could feel the tears soaking through my sweatpants. I ran my fingers through his hair and said, "Ash. Just take a second and calm yourself down. I know this is scary. But I'm not going anywhere. You're my beautiful husband and I'm partially to blame for this pregnancy. We'll figure this out. I promise." He looked up at me and said, "I-I don't wanna t-tour."

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