Chapter 2: Reunion

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One week later

The insistent buzz of my alarm clock jolted me awake, instantly infusing me with energy. Today, however, I didn't have to rush off to work; it was a rare free day gifted to me by my parents, who had finally hired two more employees to lighten their workload. They deserved the chance to savor life's pleasures, and I couldn't agree more.

Although the temptation to luxuriate in bed was strong, I resisted the urge and opted to snooze my alarm until 10 a.m. As I rose from bed, a familiar warmth greeted me—my beloved cat, Roxie, snuggled against my legs. After tending to her needs, I indulged in some morning exercise, slipping into grey leggings and a crop top before lacing up my trusty white New Balance shoes.

The park beckoned, offering a serene backdrop for my rejuvenating jog. Basking in the golden sunlight, I relished the freedom of the open space, reveling in the simple joy of movement and fresh air. With each step, I felt a sense of renewal wash over me, banishing the lingering stresses of the past week.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, signaling the onset of midday heat, I reluctantly bid farewell to the park and retreated to the cool embrace of my home. A refreshing shower washed away the sweat and fatigue, leaving me feeling invigorated and ready to tackle the day ahead.

With newfound energy coursing through my veins, I turned my attention to the neglected chores awaiting me. Dusting, vacuuming, and tidying up, I restored order to my living space, finding solace in the simple acts of domesticity. Each task, no matter how mundane, brought a sense of accomplishment, reinforcing my connection to my home and the comfort it provided.

As I worked my way through my cleaning checklist, my mind wandered, reflecting on the events of the past week and the changes that had unfolded. The addition of new employees at the bakery marked a significant shift in our family dynamics, allowing for more leisure time and a reprieve from the relentless pace of work.

With the afternoon stretching out before me, I contemplated how best to spend the remainder of my day. Perhaps a leisurely stroll through the neighborhood, or a cozy afternoon spent curled up with a good book. The possibilities were endless, and for once, I had the luxury of choice.

As the sun began its slow descent towards the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape, I paused to savor the moment. Despite the uncertainties that lay ahead, I found comfort in the simple pleasures of life—the warmth of the sun on my skin, the gentle hum of the world around me, and the unwavering love of family and friends.

With a contented sigh, I set aside my cleaning supplies and sank into the welcoming embrace of my favorite armchair.

As the clock ticked past 2:25 PM, my stomach grumbled its protest, signaling the onset of hunger pangs. With a rumble of anticipation, I made my way to the kitchen, determined to whip up a satisfying meal.

As the aroma of cooking filled the air, a pang of nostalgia washed over me, accompanied by a deep longing for the comforting presence of my parents. Without hesitation, I reached for the phone and dialed their home number, eager for the familiar sound of their voices.

After two rings, my mother's cheerful voice echoed through the receiver, filling the kitchen with warmth and familiarity. "Hello?"

"Hi, Mom! It's me." I replied, a smile spreading across my face.

"Oh, hi sweetheart! How are you?" Her voice held a hint of curiosity and concern.

"I'm great, Mommy. Just wanted to catch up with you both."

"We love hearing from you, dear." they said in unison.

"Hi, Daddy!" I added cheerfully, knowing he could hear me.

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