Chapter 5: Blossoming connection

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As I collected an empty plate and two cups of coffee, I lifted my head to steal another glance outside, hoping to catch sight of Ryan.

Disappointment hit me like a wave as I saw him sitting with the same woman from earlier. They were seated close, his hand casually draped over her shoulders.

I couldn't understand why I felt this way, this inexplicable twinge of jealousy. There was no reason for it.

Deciding to ignore them, I turned my attention elsewhere, but the unease lingered in my chest no matter what I did.

Suddenly, Olivia pulled me from my trance.

"Zoe, we're out of napkins at the counter. Can you go to the store and buy some?"

"Are you sure? Did you check the storage room? There might be a pack or two extra."

"I did, but no luck. You know we can't leave the shop, so could you go get them instead?"

"Sure thing." I grabbed the shop's bank card and headed out. "I'll be back soon."

As I crossed the road toward the store, I was stopped by a hand on my shoulder.

"Zoe, wait."

I turned to see Ryan standing there, the woman from earlier beside him, even more striking up close.

I felt that pang of jealousy once more, simmering beneath the surface.

"Hey." I said, trying to hide my frustration.

What was happening to me? I needed to get a grip. Ryan and I were just friends. I shouldn't be bothered by his relationship status.

As Monica spoke, her kind interruption broke through my thoughts.

"Who is this Ryan?" she asked, her tone gentle.

"Monica, this is Zoe, my friend," Ryan introduced us. "And Zoe, this is Lily, my sister."

Suddenly, I felt silly for being jealous over nothing.

Taking a closer look at Lily, I realized they did resemble each other. How did I miss that? She appeared younger than Ryan, maybe around my age.

Not wanting to be rude, I extended my hand to her.

"Hi, I'm Zoe. Lovely to meet you."

"Well, hello, girl." Lily responded, shaking my hand. "As you now know, I'm Lily, Ry's sister."

"It's good to finally meet you. Ry was telling me so many good things about you."

"Lily, please stop embarrassing me." Ryan nudged her playfully.

"I definitely won't. When it's true. And now that I finally have a chance to meet her, I can confirm she is such a beauty." Liky teased, her affection for her brother evident.

Their dynamic reminded me of my relationship with Cleo—like siblings. I could tell they were close, and Lily loved teasing him.

Not quite sure how to respond to her words, I simply smiled.

"Lily!" Ryan exclaimed, feigning annoyance, though his grin betrayed him.

"You guys are so cute. I wish I had a brother or at least a sister."

"Trust me, you don't want it. I have one brother, and he is such a pain in the ass." Lily joked. "But if you want, I can be your new sister. Then I can finally get rid of him." She winked at me.

"Hey, stop!" Ryan interjected, but the laughter in his eyes revealed he was enjoying the banter.

I laughed along with them. "I think I might take you up on that offer."

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