Chapter 2

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Word Count: 1205
(3rd POV)

Romano was sitting on Germany's couch with 6 empty bottles of beer on the table in front of him.

Germany walked out of his room to get some food since he was staying up late to do some paperwork, but on his way to the kitchen he saw Romano sitting on the couch and he appeared to be drunk if you looked at him.

Germany walked up to the Italian he then looked at the coffee table with 6 empty bottles of Prussia's beer sitting on it. "Romano, what are you doing?" Germany said sitting down next to the Italian.

Romano not being in his right mind started rambling "Wha-what it's not li-like it's my fault that da-damn tomato bastard was kis-kissing Feli" Romano said stuttering from the alcohol and the urge to cry.

Germany was shocked 'So Spain was cheating on him? With his brother at that!' Germany thought "Why would Spain do that?" Germany accidentally said a loud.

"Hell if I kn-know, all he said was 'he was gonna tell me but didn't know how' bull crap" Romano said trying to mimic Spain.
Germany looked over at Romano who looked like he gonna break down at any minute "I'm guessing you broke up with him, but why are you at my house?"

"Of course I fucking broke up with the bastard" Romano said not messing up a word "and as to why I'm at your house, Feli apparently invited ov-over the tomato bastard and I didn't want to be there so it was eit-either your place or that damn Frenchie's place" Romano said mumbling random crosses afterwords.

Germany sighed looking at the bottles on the table standing up he picked them all up tossing them in the trashcan.
when he came back to the couch Romano was laying down on his side crying, Germany didn't really know what to do so he just sat back down.

next thing he knew Romano was crying even louder 'what should I do I'm used to Italy doing this but Romano that's a different story, I don't think I've ever seen him cry' Germany thought, his thoughts were cut off though when he felt something lay on his shoulder.

Romano had laid his head on Germany's shoulder, he didn't know if it was the alcohol or the fact he didn't wanna feel left alone but he hug the German crying his eyes out.

Germany was surprised he never imagine a day that Romano would be crying on his shoulder and hugging him. Not really knowing what to do he slowly put his arms around the Italian.

Nothing was said the only noise being Romano crying. After a little while his cries became sniffles and he fell asleep in the Germans arms.

Germany noticed that Romano had fallen asleep, so he carefully picked him up walking to the guest bedroom.
When he got to the room he opened the door, walking over to bed he laid the Italian down.

He was about to walk away but he felt a hand grab the back of his shirt "please don't leave me alone to" came a quiet mumble from the Italian that had his head in the pillow trying to hide his red face.

Germany was nervous and still quite surprised by the way Romano was actingbut slowly laid down next to the Italian, he planned he would just leave after the Italian fell asleep so he wouldn't wake up to Romano screaming about them being in the same bed.

But when the Italian scooted closer bearing his face in the Germans chest, Germany's body went tense but slowly he relaxed sitting a arm over the Italian.

Germany wasn't trying, but after Romano had fell asleep he found himself drifting off to sleep as well, when he finally let himself fall asleep he did holding Romano in his arms.

(The next morning)

Romano was slowly waking up when he realized his arms were wrapped around something or someone. he looked up and in the corner of his eye he saw Germany, he was laying there a arm over Romano and his hair was down in his face.

Romano was debating on screaming or going to back to sleep since he was actually quite comfortable, though you would never catch him saying that out loud. The decision was made when the German started waking up "Why the hell are we in the same bed Potato bastard!" Romano said looking up at the now awake German.

Germany looked down at the Italian next to him "You where drunk last night and didn't want me leaving, I had planned on leaving though once you had I fallen asleep but looks like I fell asleep to" he said yawning.

Romano looked surprised "So the stuff I said to you about the Tomato idiot wasn't a dream then?" Romano said looking down trying to hide his face, "Yeah. Look if you need somewhere to stay you can gladly stay here, just please don't drink Prussia's beer again" Germany said looking down at Romano who looked like he wanted to be eaten by the bed.

"Why would you invite someone into your house that does nothing but insult you?!" Romano said a little to loud turning his head to look back up at the German.
"Because I don't want to see you go back there just to get hurt again" Germany said sitting up in the bed and laying his head back on the head bored. Romano was not expecting Germany to move so when he did Romano went with him and was now laying with his head on the Germans stomach and arms still around him.

It was actually kind of strange Germany was expecting Romano to be a lot more loud and argumentative with him, so having the Italian be so quiet and just laying on him was kind of strange
but also kind of relaxing and peaceful.

Romano was surprised that he was actually laying on top of the German and not screaming at the man, it was strange but he felt safe and it was quiet nice just laying there in the silence.

but he knew he had to make the decision of staying with the German or going back to him and his brothers house where Spain probably was, it wasn't really a hard decision to make since he didn't want to be anywhere near the damn Tomato loving idiot.

"I'll stay here" Romano said in a whisper that Germany couldn't tell what he said,
"What did you say?" Germany said looking down at the mop of brown hair laying on his stomach.

Romano's face started turning red, he buried his face in Germany's stomach trying to hide
"I'll said that I'll stay here, stupid potato eater" Romano said muffled but loud enough that Germany could understand what he said.

Germany smiled softly to himself "While in that case do you want some breakfast?" Germany asked, Romano slowly looked up "Sure" he said sitting up off the bed "But I'm cooking it" Romano said walking out of the room.

"Ja ja" Germany stood up off the bed following Romano to the kitchen.

Ok sorry for the late chapter
I was trying to figure out what to do for when they woke up.... Anyway I hope you enjoyed it, I'm gonna try and have the next chapter out by July 5th or 6th and I'm also gonna make a America x Japan July 4th one short.
(Sorry for any spelling mistakes I'm writing this at like 6 am)

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