Chapter 3

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Word Count: 1700
(3rd POV)

It was a surprisingly peaceful morning Romano was in the kitchen cooking breakfast while Germany was sitting on the couch watching TV, there was no bickering and no screaming from Romano.

When the food was done Romano sat the plates on the table and grabbing two glasses of water "Hey Potato Eater foods done!" Romano called from the dining room, Germany got up off the couch and walked into the dining room sitting done in front of a plate of food "Thank you Romano" Germany said as he began to eat.

Romano didn't say anything as he sat down across from Germany and started eating. When they where done Romano picked up the plates going to the kitchen to wash them, Germany however with Romano being his guest was not gonna allow it "Let me clean the dishes you are my guest after all and you already did the cooking" Germany said walking into the kitchen behind Romano.

Romano looked at him only giving him a nod, sitting the plates by the sink and walking out of the room to the couch.
Germany turned from where the Italian went and back to the sink and started to clean the dishes.

Romano sat down on the couch watching whatever random German show that was on the TV, after a few minutes he heard the sink turn off and saw Germany walk to his bedroom and then coming back into the living room with a stack of papers and a pen. sitting the papers on the coffee table and then sitting down on the floor in front of them.

"Since when do you do paperwork in the living room?" Romano questioned as he looked down at the blonde head of hair by his feet, "While I didn't want you to be by yourself all day and since I have a lot of paperwork if I had done it in my room you would be alone most of the day" Germany said as he started work on the stuck of papers.

Romano didn't ask any further questions his focus going back to the TV, Germany noticed this "You can change the channel so it's not in German if you want" Germany said handing Romano the TV remote Romano took the remote from the German but didn't change the channel. though he would never say it out loud he did know how to speak and understand German "No this is fine, it's kind of funny not being able to understand it fully" even if it was a lie, it wasn't lie that he found the show funny, Germany just nodded in response going back to his papers.

After a little while Romano moved closer to the german even if Germany was in the floor and he himself was on the couch behind him, Romano not really thinking of what he was doing found himself playing with Germany's hair and making little braids in it. Germany didn't say anything he was actually enjoying the feeling of someone playing with his hair it was relaxing while he did paperwork, compared to Feliciano's non stop talking.

Three hours later and Germany was done with his paperwork. Standing up and sitting on the couch he looked over to Romano who had fallen asleep about a hour ago, grabbing the blanket off the back of the couch he trow it over Romano so he wouldn't be cold.

Romano grade the blanket in his sleep pulling it closer and started shaking. It took Germany off guard and he didn't know what to do so he just started to lightly shake the Italian trying to wake him.

(Romano's dream POV)

I was walking into the meeting room, when I reached the door and opened it everyone that was there was surrounding my brother, so really nothing new but when I set down and started to listen to there conversation now that was a different story.

"See having only one Italy is a lot nicer" Hungary said patting Feli's head.

"Yeah a lot nicer, especially since it isn't the grumpy one" Austria said pushing his glasses up on his face.

"And the cuter one might I had~" France said grabbing Feli from behind.

"Remember when I tried to trade Romano for Feli, Austria?" Spain said and hug Feli.

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