Red hair and a goofy smile?

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(A/N) I do not own Harry Potter or any of the Characters in Harry Potter. 

(Hermione's pov)

I CAN NOT BELIEVE THIS! I'm finally here at the platform and now it all feels real. I, Hermione Jean Granger am a witch and I am about to board the Hogwarts express and I just got my soulmate mark last year. wow. After today my life will be completely different and I'm not sure I mind. For once I don't want to over think this I just want to let it happen. That's scary but a welcome scary like more of anticipation. I'm so deep in thought I barely hear my parents say goodbye before leaving. My dad was the one carrying my trunk so I didn't realize how heavy it was. I'm trying to pick up my trunk enough to get it on the train when a tall redheaded boy with a lopsided smile and gleeful blue eyes comes over to me "need a hand?" he says "uh yeah heh" He gives me a goofy smile then sticks out his hand to me "the names Fred" I shake his hand and say "Hermione" he smiles at me and I smile back "right so Mione' What seems to be the problem?" I raise my eyebrow at the nick name "its Hermione and My trunk it too heavy" He smiles with mirth in his eyes "whatever you say ... Mione" he winks with the nick name and I roll my eyes " are you gonna help or not?" I ask and he just winks again and picks up my trunk like its nothing and motions for me to get on the train before him. Fred helps me find a compartment with 2 other first years and puts my trunk in the over head compartment for me "thank you Fred" he smiles " anytime Mione" I shake my head and he winks then leaves. 

(time skip)

Its been about an hour into the train ride when the brown haired boy who I learn is Nevill's toad Trevor gets loos and gets lost so now we're searching the train for him I open a compartment and ask "have you seen a toad anywhere a boy named Nevill's lost one?" I turn and looking at me red hair and goofy smile is none other than Fred. "nope Mione can't say I have sorry" "Mione? Gred who is this and why do I not know her?" says the boy next to Fred who I assume is his twin because they look almost identical I only say almost because Fred's eyes are lighter and his hair is darker just to start. "My apologies, Forge this is Mione" he jesters to me with his hand "Mione this is George my less good looking twin" Fred winks at me and jerks is thumb to George "nice to meet you Mione" He says and holds out his hand " my name is actually Hermione" I roll my eyes and shake his hand "Yeah only I call her Mione!" Fred says shoving his brother "I apologies those two aren't all there in the head I'm Lee" says the dark skinned boy with kind green eyes he holds out his hand to me "its ok I figured as much" I joke and shake his hand "Hey!" George and Fred say together. I laugh and feel something on my leg I look down and see a tarantula "Oh sorry about that please don't freak out" says Lee I look up and him and pick up the tarantula " hello there as much as I like having you crawl up my leg I'm afraid I have to be on my way" I say to the tarantula and hand him to Lee who looks surprised I smile and say goodbye leaving the compartment continuing my search for the missing toad. 

(time skip) 

HOLLY CRICKETS I MET HARRY POTTER! I've read all about him! We're almost at Hogwarts now and we still haven't found Trevor. "He'll turn up Nevill don't worry" I had told Nevill and that calmed him down some I was just hoping I was right.

(time skip)

I was right. Trevor did show up; at the worst possible time if you ask me but he still showed up. It's time for the sorting ceremony and I am so nervous. "HERMIONE GRANGER" of course I was called first figures. "stay calm" I mumble to myself as I walk up to the stool. the hat is placed on my head "hmm clever one you are, yes.. very head strong very good for Ravenclaw indeed but brave; yes, very brave and selfless but ambitious slytherin maybe? Hmm yes I have decided. Best be... GRYFFINDOR" my eyes light up I take the hat off and run over to the gryffindor table where I see Fred and George "aye we got Mione!" says Fred as he pats my head "welcome to gryffindor Hermione" says George I smile at them and sit next to Fred and who I soon learn is Percy the twins older brother soon Harry Potter is being sorted and the whole hall is silent we all wait as the boy who lived is sorted into "GRYFFINDOR" the whole table is booming with cheers and the twins shouting "WE GOT POTTER" as Harry runs over smiling. the rest of the first years are sorted and Dumbledore says a few words (literally) and we all eat. At the end of the feast Dumbledore gives a speech and tells us some rules and sends up to our dorms where I go to sleep excited for tomorrow having dreams of a certain boy with red hair and a goofy smile.

(A/N) ello so I'm not that good at writing as you can see but please let me know what you think and what I should change thanks and I hope everyone is safe with everything that is happening in the world right now please stay safe stand up for whats right but stay safe doing it please kk bye for now kisses <3

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