you're gonna be fine

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(A/N) I do not own Harry Potter or any of the Characters in Harry Potter.

(Hermione's pov)

Transfiguration was amazing! Well until Harry and Ron came to class late and interrupted professor Mcgonagall figures they would. professor Mcgonagall did say something to them though "then perhaps a map then? I trust you don't need one to find your seats." How can they not be eager to learn all of these amazing things? I mean come on! Its magic! The rest of the class went by smoothly for the most part. Mcgonagall taught us the basics of transfiguration and gave us a summary of what we will be learning this year. This is so exciting! I feel like I could fly! This is all real, like actually real! 

(time skip)

Potions was well informational  if you will. But I knew the answers to the questions he asked why didn't he call on me?

(time skip)

 Its been about a week into school and I already love it here! I left charms a bit bummed out. That is until I ran into (literally) the one and only weasley twins. Merlin help me "why the long face Mione?" I roll my eyes at the nick name " hi Fred" he sends me a questioning smile "lemme guess you're coming from potions?" that was George "good guess but no" I say "whats wrong then?" I smile and walk with them "so where yuh headed?" Fred asks " Dinner duh" I roll my eyes "You 2 are still terrorizing this poor girl?" Lee walks up and throws an arm over my shoulders "hey Lee" I laugh and remove his arm "I'm not an arm rest" I say " awe but you're the perfect height" says Fred as he rest his arm on my head I shove his arm off and shake my head "don't you have someone else to annoy?" I ask "ANNOY?!" George shouts in fake outrage "Mione your words wound me" Fred says as he places his hand on his heart and backs up dramatically I laugh and shake my head Lee nudges me "so whats up?" I smile "I don't think Ron likes me very much" I say "RON? That's whats got you all bummed?" Fred asks "yeah I know its dumb" I say "Its not dumb if it matters enough to upset you all I mean is not to mind him he doesn't know basic manors let alone how to treat someone plus if he doesn't like you its his loss Mione anyone would be lucky to be your friend why do you think we hang around you so much? We don't adopt just any child now so you best feel special and don't give my brother any mind dirt has more manors" Fred says as he puts a comforting hand on my shoulder we stopped walking and the boys are standing around me smiling I feel wanted  and safe I feel my eyes water and Fred tilts my head up to look at him and frantically wipes the tears that are spilling from my eyes "no no no that was so you wouldn't cry not so you would cry" he says frantically I shake my head and hug him he steps back a bit from surprise and hugs me back I smile into his chest "thank you" I whisper "anytime Mione" he repeats the same thing he said the first day we met but softer almost like a whisper. I feel 2 more sets of arms wrap around me. I smile and melt into the hug. After a few minutes we pull away "come on lets go to dinner shall we?" George says "we shall" I laugh. We're on our way to the great hall when I see a group of first years laughing in the middle of the group is none other than Ron "what're they saying?" I question. Fred listens for a minute then his face goes dark "don't worry about it Mione" he says  and he grabs my shoulders and slows me down "no what is it?" I say and I shake his hands off of my shoulders and walk ahead "Mione no" Fred says but I don't listen "she's a nightmare honestly no wonder she hasn't got any friends" now I wish I did listen "Mione.." I hear Fred say as I run to the bathroom in tears.

(Fred's pov)

I am absolutely fuming my the time I get to Ron "do you take pride in being an absolute prat or does it come naturally?" I question him "Fred lets go check on her" George says as he glares daggers at Ron "No!" I shout "He gets away with being a prick to much but this time he actually hurt someone and I won't stand for it" I say "Fred lets go make sure she's ok" that time it was Lee who was holding onto my shoulder a little hard for how calm his voice was I give Ron one last menacing look before I storm off in the direction Hermione went.

what if?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora