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Dean's POV* 

I wake up to an empty bed as usual. "Cas?" I ask as I hear the front door. "Sorry Dean didn't mean to wake you." Cas said pecking me on the lips the taste and smell of alcohol lingering in his breathe. I smell vheap perfume come off of him. "Where were you?" I seethed gripping the chair tightly. "Out." He said trying to go to the bedroom but I pulled him back. "No. You don't get to sleep in the bedroom while you were out with another whore I was up all night worrying about you. You can have the pleasure of sleeping on the couch" I said going into the bedroom locking it. "If you wanted me tp stay home you should have told me" Cas yelled through the door. "I don't mind if you go out but don't come home smelling like alcohol and your ex's perfume. Get out of my house, now." I said and i heard the front door slam. I walked out and saw Sam and he had a knowing look on his face. I just shrugged. "How am I supposed to be in a unhealthy relationship?" I mumbled tears rolling down my face. "You don't" Sam said going into my bedroom. I walked in behind him wondering what he was doing. He was packing my stuff into suitcases. I tried stopping him but he sat me on the bed. "Dean you've been in this unhealthy and unhappy relationship long enough. If neither of you are gonna end it then I am going to do it for you." Sam said. I nodded looking down letting him pack my stuff into the car. I look back once more at my old house as we drove away to a far away place. 

 *3 Years Later* 

I walk down my driveway into my house. Sam and his husband Lucifer stand there waiting for me. I smile and walk into my room. I close the door behind me. Tears gather in my eyes as memories come back to me about Cas. My dog Zeke sits in my lap. I pat his head smiling. "I really broke you but I Love You" I heard Cas' voice and my head shot up. "Cas?" I whispered. "It's really me Dean" He said standing in front of me. "How'd you find me?" i whsipered my hand cupping his cheek. "Magic. I've changed Dean. Believe me. After about 3 weeks after you left it hit me that you werent coming back and I checked myself into rehab. I devoted myself into finding you for the past 3 years. Ohio was the only place I hadnt looked. But i found you. I finally found you. This time I'm not letting you go and I'm not going back to old habits or what I did.  Dean Winchester I love you and I never want you to leave me" Cas said Holding my hand that was still cupping his cheek. "Come here you beautiful and perfect human" I whispered kissing him. "I Love You too" I said when we broke apart. "Will you Dean Winchester marry me?" Cas said getting down on one knee. Tears spilled down my face-happy ones this time-. "Yes Castiel Novack I will become Dean Novack" I said kissing him as he slipped the ring on my finger. I walked out of of my room hands interlocked with Cas'. Sam smiled at us and hugged us tightly.

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