Scene 3-5

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Scene 3:


<Lower stage>

(Lucas slightly comes out of hiding from wherever. His right hand is covering both of his eyes, but he makes a little hole so that his left eye can see.)

(He looks at the audience , with that action, then takes his hand off and says…)

Lucas: Finally… My eyes and ears could not have lasted another minute just listening and looking at them. What are they doing here? And disgusting! I would rather die than see that again!

(He scratches his head, and asks the audience.)

Lucas: But more importantly, what am I (He stresses “I”.) doing here?



Scene 4:

<Maia, Zeus, Hera’s voiceover>

<Cave – upstage>

(Curtains open.)

(Maia and Zeus are in bed when suddenly Hera’s voice is heard, calling Zeus...)

Hera: Zeus? Zeus! Wherever have you vanished into this time?

(They remain together and no one is surprised. They continue to hold onto each other and lay in silence for a while.)

(Maia looks away from Zeus, and keeps her voice only slightly above a whisper.)

Maia: You can conceal yourself from her no longer than you already have, Zeus.

Zeus: Maia--

Maia (monotonous voice): Leave, Zeus. Leave.

Zeus: Maia—

Maia: Leave, Zeus, I beg of you. I no longer think I can bear to have you with me knowing well that being with you is but impossibility. Please. By doing so you would save me from having to feel the pain of a shattered heart.

Zeus: Oh, Maia . . .

(Zeus puts a hand on Maia’s cheek.)

Maia: Go, Zeus.

(Maia recoils from Zeus’ touch.)

Zeus: I sincerely apologize, my dear Maia. You have not the slightest idea how terribly I regret to have ever caused you anguish. I do not wish to depart and desire none other than to remain here with you, but I know it is my duty to leave and return to Hera for she is my wife. I hope greatly that you would understand, my darling.

(Maia remains silent.)

(Zeus runs his hands through Maia’s hair but she doesn’t look at him.)

Hera: Zeus, where on earth are you? You had better have an excellent reason for ever vanishing!

(Zeus gets up, gets his coat and looks at Maia one last time.)

Zeus: I wish you all the joy and happiness in the world, my dearest Maia.

(Maia does not look at Zeus.)

(Zeus leaves.)

(If possible, Maia cries or sniffles. If she can cry, she then wipes the tears from her eyes.)

Maia (whispers): Goodbye, my love. You have taken my heart with you. It was possible for you to have ever prevented my heart from shattering for it already had the moment you have walked out of my life.

(Maia walks on stage.)

Maia: Oh dear child, how said it must be to have you with out your father by your side. But never will I be out from your sight. Never my son, never… (becomes more quiet)

(Blackout. Curtains close.)


Scene 5:


<Lower stage>

(Lucas is very curious about what is happening. He walks around, with his right hand brushing his chin, and his left hand supporting it, as he tries to decipher what is happening.)

Lucas: Wait a minute. If Hermes’ mother is Maia, then maybe the father is…

(He is silent for a while, then Lucas storms out and commentates on the current events of the play. His hands are supposed to have the same actions as his expressions.)

Lucas: Zeus is crazy and not to mention, mean! To have left a very beautiful girl like Maia to be with Hera! Maia is so much better than Hera. She is a very humble nymph, unlike the arrogant goddess Hera. I pity Maia very much. What did she do to have suffered lonesomeness like that?



P.S This is upodated the same time HLW is :) Hope you didn't die of utter boredom. 



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