Chapter 15

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"You do realise he only has to ask me one little question to blow this whole thing. I can hardly resist his compulsion at the best of times" i said staring at mikeals unconcious body and the dagger extruding from his chest.

"If stephan can do it so can you" damon handed me my cell phone. I sighed and dialled klaus' number.

"Lucia i was starting to think you'd betrayed me" klaus answered

"My brother had me... detained" i said carefully wording it whilst still trying to sound confident.

"Then your not 'detained' now?" He asked

"No im at the boarding house looking at your fathers dead body... well as dead as an origanal can be"

"So stephan was telling the truth!" Klaus sounded happy. "I'm on the road now coming back for the doppleganger, wait for me at tylers mansion and help him make arrangements" he ordered

"Very well-" he interupts me

"And lucy dont tell anyone a word of this" he compelled silence me but i wouldnt have to tell anyone because damon was listening anyway.

"Okay goodbye klaus" i hung up, alaric was leaning against the wall and damon was as usual, drinking.

"Lets get her back to mine before you undagger papa original" alaric stepped towards me.

"You cant!" I state. Damon looks at me and raises his brow. "I have to go to tylers!" I add.

"You can fight his compulsion" damon stated "you did it before you just have to want it bad anough" he pleaded in a very uncharacteristic way.


I had alot to think about roaming the woods of mystic falls. About klaus, about my life since i left this place.

I didnt go to the lockwood mansion every fidre of my body told me too but i didnt. I just wondered. A memory i had long since forgotton resurfaced.

New york 1912

"Do you love me klaus?" I asked as we walked threw central park.

He chuckled "what sort of question is that?" He was silent for a moment "love is a vampires greatest weakness"  he recited a well practised phrase.

"I dont believe that" i state taking a seat, "i know you love" i say, he looks sceptical, "you love elijah and becca"

"They are my family that is different" he took a seat next to me. "What about you lucy? Do you love?" He asked.

"I think so" i say tentivley.

"Does my brother inspire this feeling in you?"

"I think so" i repeat making him chuckle again "whats so funny?" I ask he leans back and puts his arm around me

"What is so funny is that elijah is stood over there" he points to a tree acouple of yards away and i see elijah leaning against a tree watching us smiling. I smiled back.


I hadnt forgot elijah over the past months. In fact there wasnt a day that i didnt think about him in that coffin. If i pulled the dagger out klaus would only put it back in and i knew one day if our plan fails and he lives,  klaus himself would forgive elijah and i would see him again.

And i wished that day would be soon but then i thought about alaric and it hurt. How could i love two people?

Sometimes i looked at elena, i saw the way she looked at both my brothers, and i saw the pain deep in side her with every glanse, she hated this feeling as much as i do.

I eventully ended up back at the boarding house, when i entered mikeal was undagger sat on the sofa staring at a roaring fire and no one else seemed to be home.

"Where is everyone?" I asked, he didnt move or turn to look at me

"Busy making arrangements for niklaus's return" he stated

"Shouldnt you be? Where i

s this weapon that can kill klaus?"

He chuckled "i will reveal it when it is time"

We fell into an akward silence as i pured myself a burbon and took a seat oposite him. I was feeling brave.

"Why arnt you trying to kill me?" I asked.

"I need damon and stefans co operation and i imagine killing there little sister wont help" he asnwered "but i assure you lucia" he said my name with venom and hatred "you will be the next to die after niklaus"

"Well there was me thinking we were getting somewhere" i down the drink and stand "if my days are numbered as you say they are im going to go be reckless with a certain history teacher" i left without saying another word.

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