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A/N: Well, it's here. It took me two years but it's here. I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing. A reminder that English is not my first language and that it's 4 a.m. right now and I'm not sure if there are any mistakes. Please stay safe, wear your masks.

It really hadn't been that long, but to Jade it seemed like a lifetime, an eternity. She knew she was exaggerating, she was smart enough to figure that out for herself, but still she felt entitled to think the whole world was against her and therefore she could very well be on the verge of a breakdown (she really wasn't).

A tiny brunette girl, who no one would think was older than 4 although she was almost 6, ran around giggling; she had the audacity to be giggling while her mother ran after her to try and get her to her room so that she could get dressed. She really seemed to be enjoying herself, because she looked at her mom several times, as she escaped. Deep down Jade was enjoying it too, not that she could think straight right now, but deep down she loved hearing her little girl giggle. She sounded so much like her it was unbelievable.

"Jasmine, please baby, please stop running," Jade begged her youngest daughter, her Geordie accent always present. She still had so much to do and she didn't know how she was going to pull it off. Doing this alone was never in her plans, and she was starting to realize why. This was difficult as heck; no one should do it alone. Taking care of two children – bathe them; dress them - cleaning a house, getting dinner ready, it was too much for her. She huffed as she stopped, letting her child run free, not entertaining her anymore, maybe that would stop her. It didn't.

"Jasmine Anne, I swear to God! Your godmother is getting here in one hour and if you are not dressed by then, you ain't getting cuddles from her. There I said it," Jade could only mentally burst out laughing when her daughter stops dead in her tracks, big almond-colored eyes widening as she looked at her mum, mouth hung open as Jade nods to confirm she had heard it correctly, "I'm serious. Now, to your room and get dressed, okay, peanut?" Jasmine nods her head, her shocked face disappearing as she heads to her room.

"Hey, not so fast, miss," Jade's voice stopped her and for a second she was confused until she saw Jade crouch down and open her arms, "Give mummy a hug, please," Jade asks her daughter, her smile mirroring the little child's as she runs towards her mum, giving her a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek before turning around and going to her room to get dressed. She sighs, these moments made everything worth it, no doubt.

"Now I'm jealous," Jade hears a voice say behind her. Already smiling she turns around to find her blonde angel. "You've been there this whole time? Couldn't you help me catch her?" The blonde shrugs, "It was funny to watch you two," she says, laughing as she notices the fake offended face Jade put on.

"Well, you get no hug then!" she crosses her arms and pretends to pout.

"You couldn't, mum, you're too soft for that," Amelia replies, smiling softly, walking towards her mum.

"No, I couldn't. Come here, silly bug," Jade says, opening her arms, hugging her oldest daughter as the girl snuggles her head in the crook of her mum's neck. She holds her as close as possible, as she always does when she hugs her children. It was something she learned not to take for granted: a hug from those she loves; so she always made sure to hug them extra hard.

"You miss her, don't you, mummy?" Amelia's small, gentle voice is almost enough to make her crack and even though she was never one to hide her emotions in front of her children, she knew it was silly to be feeling like this. She nods, looking at her daughter, "It's just hard to pull this off without her," Jade shrugs and Amelia understands. She always did, her daughter was truly one of a kind, the smartest, most compassionate, curious little girl she had ever met, her very own mini copy of Perrie Edwards. Perrie would certainly say that Amelia got her smart side from Jade, but Jade would just smile and shake her head, Perrie was incredibly smart as well, Jade always made sure to tell her that.

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