Untitled Part 1

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Harry woke up in a cold sweat again, he hadn't been able to sleep all night, it had been the same images all night—an owl gawking at him from a branch, an old newspaper headline about a golfing accident, a hooded toad next to a fallen boy, and a drinking well in a cold, foggy place. He grabbed his glasses and paced sleepily around his room—he hadn't gotten such persistent nightmares since he was only a child in the face Voldemort, so he couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong, terribly wrong, but...it couldn't...he had come across a newspaper believed to be cursed, but...it couldn't have been.

Harry drew in a sharp breath, and wrapped his blanket around himself, he wouldn't be sleeping tonight would he? He also knew that he should owl Ron, his heart pounded against his chest ruthlessly, he hadn't spoken to Ron since...the golfing accident! He had been dreaming things from his memory—the owl was Hedwig; the golfing accident was the last time he saw Ron. He rushed to his desk where he grabbed a quill and wrote a, rather desperate, letter to Ron, and shakily sent it off—even if Ron hated him, he had to at least try.

Though the curse of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor had long worn off, he couldn't help but find it ironic that he out of all people had to discover the curse was true the hard way. The rumor was that once you came across this newspaper, you would have a flash of images that, to the outside eye, are casual, but have a terrible meaning to the bearer in reality. Harry didn't know what the toad meant, but he had the unnerving feeling that something was going to happen to Neville, one of his fellow professors, and he hadn't the slightest idea what the well meant. The owl was meant to represent Hedwig, his beloved pet, and the thought that she would watch judgingly on his life—though he couldn't quite explain why this was a fear, and the golfing accident was the death of Draco, of whom he had been having an affair with. Saying it sounds stupid, but he got hit with a spell from a wizard who had attempted to wipe out all Purebloods, that was covered up in the muggle world as a golfing accident, and accidently shut down said golf course, but it was the first time Ron found out about us being a couple, and he's felt rightfully betrayed ever since. Hopefully, Ron would help him find a way to stop the curse, as he was an auror himself, before his 3 days were up, maybe they could prevent whatever is supposed to happen to Neville, and they could find the well. It could be like the old days, he wished Ron would just talk to him again, Harry was growing tired of his incessant silence, and though it was deep into the night, it made him very nervous now.

Harry had spent all night trying to occupy his troubled mind, and jumped suddenly at a knock at the door, his heart pounding as he opened it.

"Ron! Oh, thank Merlin you came."

"Thank Hermione." A silence passed between the two wizards before Ron interrupted it. "Are you going to invite me in, or are we going to talk until we melt."

"Oh, right, sorry, you can come in." Harry stepped away from the door, to allow Ron in. "I really am sorry, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Draco, I'm sorry for owling you so late, I-"

"I'm glad I came."


Ron's eyes softened at Harry's surprise. "You obviously haven't been yourself recently, I thought this whole curse thing was just a ruse to get me over here."

"Er...well it would've worked."

"I hope you don't remember this for next time I'm ignoring you, now what happened?" Harry told him everything, about the curse, the stories, the images, and how he'd heard about it in the Daily Prophet, and decided to inspect it, being the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor and all.

"Well it sounds like it's true." Ron murmured softly. Harry gave a distressed sigh and dug his fingers into his hair. "Hey, it's alright, we'll figure it out." Ron reached his hand out, but Harry jerked away.

"Don't touch me." He snapped, Ron drew back looking hurt. "Sorry," Harry murmured, "I just don't want you is get it is all." Ron's features softened.

"It's fine," He said before taking a moment to consider what Harry said. "You said you're sure the toad represents Neville?" Harry nodded. "Well then, I know where to start." He smiled at Harry and stood, Harry quickly followed, and the two were off to find Neville.

The Curse of the Newspaper (better than the Cursed Child)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu