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The next day Vera waited in Patrick's apartment building, right outside his door. Patiently anxious for him to arrive.

Suddenly Vera hears footsteps echoing the hallway. She lends down over the railing and sees the tall, handsome man quickly walking up the steps.

"I'm sorry, have you been waiting long?" Patrick says with short of breath. Pulling out his keys and unlocking the door.

Vera kept quiet stood behind him, waiting for him to open the door. Patrick pushes the door open and let's Vera in first. She hastily walks down the corridor of his apartment into his bedroom. Patrick enters his room and notices Vera starting to undress.

"Let's eat first, okay?" He asks calmly. Vera looks at Patrick applaud by his comment. "Do you always have to be in such a hurry." Patrick questions the delicate woman sitting on his bed. "I'm starving." He walks away.

Vera just sat there and watched him walk out of the room. Her eyes were practically popping out of her face. She was in such shock.


Finally Patrick and Vera sat down at a local Chinese restaurant. Vera looked around and watched the different types of fish they displayed in there tanks. "What do you want?" Vera asks.

"What do you want?" Patrick reciprocates the question.

"I'm not eating." Vera closes her menu and pushes it to the side.

Her head wonders as the waiter approaches them. "Are you ready to order?"

"Yes can we have something quic-."

Patrick talks over Vera, "What is the most expensive dish here?" He asked the waiter.

"Lobster is the most expensive we have."

"I'll have that and a bottle of wine please." Patrick closes his menu and hands it to the waiter.

"It's okay if I drink right, I normally don't drink alcohol."

Vera stared at Patrick as the waiter brought the wine and glasses. Patrick gestured to pour Vera a glass.

"No, no thank you." She declined.

Patrick poured him a glass and immediately chugged it. Continuously pouring more as Vera just focused her eyes on him.

After a awkward dinner Patrick opens one of the fortune cookies, "when winter comes you will be showered with good fortune." He reads aloud.
"Not bad..it has something to do with you." He looks up at Vera. "Aren't you going to open yours?"

Vera grabs her cookies and puts it in her purse, "can we please go?" She begans to put her coat on.

"I saw your husband." Patrick says without emotion.

Before Vera could stand her she turns back, facing Patrick. "What?"

"Yesterday, at the cleaners." Patrick's eyes wondered around the room

"Did he see you?" Vera's voice sounded shakey.

"Is that all you care about?" Patrick puts his weight on his hand that's pressed against his face.

"What?" Vera's tone snapped.

"He didn't see me." Patrick said. Vera let out a sigh of relief. "Even if he had so what? He would never guess...I saw you too, in the car. You were wearing a very nice dress, where were you going in the sexy dress?"

Vera tried to keep her patience with Patrick, knowing he had a lot to drink. "We were on our way to church."

"I never would have thought you'd be the religious type."

"I'm not."

"But you sit through the churches service and what? Pretend?." He raises his eyebrow.

"Well his family is very religious, I just try and fit in." Vera says without making eye contact.

"Perfect couple, perfect car, perfect clothes, perfect wife..your really married? Huh? You're living the dream! So happy!" Patrick raised his voice.

"We are very happy, we are."

"But you need me."

"You know what?" Vera looked Patrick in the eyes. "This is business, you and me. You knew that." Tears starting forming in her eyes, enhancing the blue ocean tint.

"Look at you, so eager that you can't wait."

"That's enough." Vera grabs her jacket and begans walking away.

"Is this the first time you paid for it." Patrick hollars.

"Is this the first time you've been paid for it." Vera yells back, running out of the building with Patrick running after her down the street.

"Why me, I have many friends I could introduce you to." He catches up to Vera now walking.

"How dare you attack me like this, do you remember how we met. We were at the fertility clinic and they wouldn't even take you. All you good for is your dick and that's not even good enough." Tears began streaming down Vera's face as she's yelling.

Vera and Patrick ended up separating, Vera went back to his apartment. Waiting outside. Hidden in a corner, crying. Patrick ran back, looking everywhere for her. Soon her found her.

"I'm sorry." Patrick apologized.

"What do you know? What the fuck do you know. You don't know anything about me or my life. The man that I love wants to die. I can't do anything. I just stand and I watch." Vera tries to catch her breath. "Do you have any idea what that's like, watch someone lose hope like that." Vera covered her mouth.

Patrick pulled Vera into his embrace as she continued to sob,"I'm sorry." He whispered in her ear.

Vera pulled away and Patrick held her face in his hands, they walked together up the street. Vera glued to his side.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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