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Me and Mia had a fun day just kinda being out and about through town going sight seeing and window shopping. Just like the day before Nora called us to meet up with the rest of the family for dinner at a restaurant. On the ride back Mia had asked me a question that I found odd for her to bring up "so you and EJ seem to be getting along better, huh?"

"yeah I mean I think me being here for longer than just a short sleepover has reminded us how much we have in common again"

"well I don't mind whatever it is because your being around has made him less grumpy just as long as he doesn't steal you away from me"

"yeah right" I awkwardly laughed at her statement 

"well I think its nice he has found a best friend in you like old times and that we can all just hang out together like old times too"

"yeah me too"

The drive went on without another mention of EJ and I was thankful for that. 

However our conversation reminded me about how Nora still wanted to talk to me and all of a sudden my nerves took over at the thought of what she wanted to say to me. 

When we got to the restaurant everyone was standing by the door still waiting to be seated which didn't shock me considering when we are all together we make up a pretty big party. Mia and I greeted everyone with a general "hi" to the group just to make our presence known. EJ came over to me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders for a quick hug and then left his right arm resting on my shoulder when he was done. He was tall enough next me it looked more like a casual place to let his arm rest rather than a show of affection. It was comfortable and friendly but felt natural.

He asked me and Mia about our day and what we did then we politely asked about his day at work. When we finally got seated EJ opted to sit next to me and made Levi take the seat next to Mia.

 After we sat down he placed his arm against the back of my seat but I chose just to look at the gesture as a friendly one just to show he is comfortable being around me especially because his arm wasn't around my shoulders it was just resting on the back of my seat. As our meal went on me, Mia and EJ discussed the plan for watching our movie when we got home and whether or not he would be joining us again and then Mia brought up the idea of us all hanging out durning the day tomorrow. 

EJ and Mia decided with no input from me that since he would be getting out of work early tomorrow that he would meet up with us for mini golf in the afternoon. During their whole conversation I said nothing due to the fact that all I could think about was if me and EJ would be the same as we are toward each other during the day as we are during our late night conversations. 

 When dinner ended and we all left to go home I still had so many things running through my head like Nora's upcoming conversation with me, whether or not I could have feelings for EJ, whether or not he could have feelings for me and spending the day with him and Mia tomorrow .

When we got home Mia and I started getting ready for bed so we could be comfy during the movie. I showered and then Mia did this time us deciding not to keep the other company by sitting on the counter. So when I got out and went back to Mia's room to wait for her when Nora walked in. "honey can we have that conversation I wanted to have with you?" all I could do was nod slightly terrified "good, I just wanted to ask you about how I found you and EJ this morning"

"if you don't want me to be in the living room after everyone is asleep I'm sorry it won't happen again" I say a little faster than I needed to.

Nora laughed a little as she said "no that's fine I just wanted to know what is going on between you and EJ" she said with a calm voice.

"oh nothing we both just couldn't sleep and decided to talk until we fall asleep"

"well I think that's probably how it started but I think there is more to it than that"

"what do you mean I'm confused"

"well sweetie my son has never been that comfortable around anyone not even his ex girlfriend, and even your entire life as I've watched you grow up you've never been easy to break down your walls for others" she said with a smile as she stares at me "did you know you two used to be the best of friends as little kids maybe even closer than you and Mia" I just shook my head in silence "he was protective over you as a baby and he was only a toddler he didn't want to let anyone touch you or he would get mad if Mia made you cry by taking a toy you were playing with."

"She was just as little as you and didn't know any better but he took it as a hateful crime against you and when we would put all of you down for a nap when you and Mia started being toddlers and he was still a little kid one of you would always find your way into the others nap area" I had no words to respond to what she was telling me until she said "I guess what i'm trying to say is even as little kids I always new in the back of my mind y'all would end up together. Its almost like your feelings for each other are inevitable"

"I don't have feelings for EJ, he's to old for me"

"well honey age is just a number and your age gap isn't that big in the grand scheme of things and trust me I know you well enough to know that even of your not ready to admit it you know you have feelings for EJ"

Just then we heard Mia leaving the bathroom so as Nora started to get up she said "just know me and EJ's dad already love you like family and are supportive of whatever you and EJ decide" she leaves the room just as Mia comes into it leaving me lost in what just happened. I shook my head quickly in an effort to compose myself and put on a small smile as Mia said "ready to go downstairs for another movie night?" I just silently got up and followed her downstairs.


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