secrets which are no more :>

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End grinned slowly, an evil glint in his eyes

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End grinned slowly, an evil glint in his eyes.

"oh no- the damned demon's planning something." Ender sweatdropped, crossing his arms.

"pfft- oh come on Enderr, that hurts-" End laughed a bit, "just a lil harmless dare~" he smiles innocently.

"nothing is ever 'harmless' with you. Much less any dare." Telos huffed a bit.

End chuckled, "welp, ya got me." He'd smirk soon after seeing that everyone was there.

"so! first thing's first!~" End put his arm around Ender, smirking.

"Ender's secret is that he has gotten preeeettttyyy jealous of Mecha a few times, and hell, even Epic. I'm sure you guys can find out why easily~" End smirked, swiftly dodging a jab to the ribs from the embarrassed glitch.

"End i swear to god-" Ender growled a bit, a flustered blush on his face.

"ah yes, next is good ol' Vampy here~" End trapped Telos with his arm around his shoulders too.

"Don't you freakin dare you damned-" Telos was cut off by End.

"you see, Telos here is the biggest damned tsundere i to some certain fluffles we know and Geno~" he smirks, "yet despite that, he absolutely loves affection, it's adorable!~" he laughed.

"End you're dead-" Telos hissed out, a purple blush on his face.

"such a grave thing to say, Vampy~" End laughed.

"Oh Crowww!~"

"Nopenopenopenope-" Crow attempted at getting away only to find the door locked.

"Come on, buddy~" End smirked, "anyway, Crow here has a lil secret, that is the fact that he actually gets pretty lonely when he's away from his dear fluffy diamond," he smiles, "it's actually pretty adorable since when he sees his lil fluffle he gets pretty happy." End chuckles, patting the flustered birb's back.





" :> "

a second later there was a crash.


"now then, En here, " End caught his breath before grinning. "He is actually been thinking of asking a certain lil reaper out, buuuutttt damn boi doesn't wanna mess up his friendship with him, so, he is a bit embarrassed about the fact that he can't help but care deeply for his lil reapsy~" End smiles.

"Welp, that's all, imma go run now before i die-" he laughs, waving bye before teleporting.

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