Lovers Unbound

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King Trollex: as i dozed off into dreamland, i had a flashback.


*April 10th, 2020, Volcano Rock City*

Queen Barb: Give it up for your former leaders! Funk, Country, Techno, Classical!

King Trollex: Jeez, that light is so bright! *gasps*

*looks at Delta Dawn*

King Trollex: Oh! I'm in love.

Trollzart: You're now in love? When our whole kingdom is about to become Rock and Roll?!

King Trollex: I'm in love.

Trollzart: *groans*

Delta Dawn: *looks at Trollex* Why, Hello.

King Trollex: *gasps* She spoke to me! She spoke to me!

Trollzart: Dude, we could get seriously harmed. Think about this. Ours and your music will be gone. It will be replaced by Rock.

King Trollex: Oh, we will just get turned into Rock Trolls. It'll be fine.

Trollzart: *sarcastic* You're gonna be the first one to get hit with that Chord, you know that?

King Trollex: So, where does one get someone to get us both out of this "lava prison" as i like to call it?

Delta Dawn: *laughs* You're funny. My name's Delta Dawn of the Country Trolls.

King Trollex: King Trollex of the Techno Trolls. *grunts* I can't seem to get a simple hand shake here!


Queen Poppy: You're turning everyone into Rock Zombies?

Queen Barb: Yep. Can't wait to party with you, Poppy!

*with Trollex and Delta*

King Trollex: So, How's life *the Funk King and Queen get trapped in a boulder* beside this giant egg right near our vision.

Delta Dawn: Well, It was . . . OMG, Trollex, look on your left!

King Trollex: Oh, Delta, your a card. *laughs*

Delta Dawn: I'm serious!

King Trollex: Please, the only thing i need to see, *The Funk King and Queen turn into Rock Zombies* are you, and my Techno Trolls.

*Barb starts the guitar solo and points it to Trollex*

Delta Dawn: Look!

King Trollex: Fine, what is i . . . OH KARP!


Delta Dawn: Trollex!

*Trollex gets trapped in a boulder*

King Trollex: *grunts* Get me out of here . . . *glitching* . . . *skin turns gray*

*Trollex turns into a Rock Zombie, boulder opens, same with Trollzart*

Delta Dawn: No! Trollex! *Barb starts guitar solo at Delta, Blasts at Delta, flashback ends*

*king trollex wakes up*

King Trollex: *screams* I have to make things right! I have to have a valentine!!! What time is it? What day is it? 8:AM? DAY AFTER VALENTINE'S?! *squeals*

King Trollex: *runs out the door* I'm finally out! Of staying in! I love it man . . . Where are my Techno Trolls? There's no one here! BDB? Anybody? Yeah, imma walk to Pop Village to find him. But first . . .

*King Trollex stops at the Blush house*

King Trollex: Hello? *knocks* Coral? Coral's Mom or Dad?

King Trollex: And right when they get out . . .

*The Blush family pushes the door and lays on Trollex's body hurdling him down the floor*

King Trollex: *screams* Coral?

Coral's Mom: Ooh! Trollex! I love his hair!

Coral's Dad: I love his Rainbow pattern!

King Trollex: Then Coral's Mom tries to kiss me.

*Coral's Mom tries to kiss Trollex*

King Trollex: OH, Oh no! You have a Husband! Gross! Think Twice before you do that! *swims*

Coral's Mom & Coral's Dad: I need him.

King Trollex: They look so weird. They got hearts on their eyes!

Coral's Mom & Coral's Dad: We need you!

King Trollex: Ahh! You creepos!

King Trollex: They kept chasing me until i made it to Pop Village.

King Trollex: Whew! That's finally over with!

BDB: Ooh! Trollex! From your chest to your tail is all pretty!

King Trollex: You Too?! Okay, Who's responsible for this!?

???: I am.

King Trollex: Chaz?!

King Trollex - 26 Columns
Delta Dawn - 7 Columns
Trollzart - 4 Columns
Coral's Mom & Coral's Dad - 3 Columns
Queen Barb - 2 Columns
Queen Poppy & Beat Drop Button & Chaz the Smooth Jazz Troll - 1 Column

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