Blushstreet boys #11/ My superhero movie

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Kelby: It would be so awesome It would be so cool It would be the most incredible Superhero movie the world has ever seen

Eli: The screen would light up, with real explosions
All the boys: And special effects
Eli: Like tons and tons of
All the boys: S P E C I A L E F F E C T S!
Eli: My super sweet cape would be
All the boys: S P E C I A L E F F E C T S!
Eli: And it would blow your mind

Nimh: My movie! My superhero movie! It's all about me!, Yeah it's all about me! It's my movie! My movie. My superhero movie

Anon: They'll be lining up to see a movie all about me! No longer a sidekick no that's not me! 

Anon: Picture my bootie up in 3D I'll shake my bootie! in my own movie!

All the boys: It's my movie! My movie. My superhero movie They'll be lining up to see a movie all about me

Volks: I'd have the most impressive, cool and scary, big, mean, Hairy, adversary, BUT NOT TO WORRY! I'm the man in charge! Yeah i'd have an alter ego! I'd be a billionaire Standing tall with ADULT SIZE HANDS!!!! And gorgeous hair!

All the boys: Cause it's my movie! My movie! My superhero movie It's all about me, Yeah it's all about me! It's my movie. My movie! My superhero movie

Anon: They'll be lining up to see a movie all about me! No longer the sidekick


Nimh: Now im the superhero puttin' the villains to shame

Volks: V - O - L - K - S 


Eli: Oh! and i have my own hero music too

Nimh: It goes bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, BOOM!

Anon: It will play everytime i entered the room

Kelby: Then i'd say my sweet and omnivus catchphrase

Kelby: "Crack an egg on it. Ka-Kaw!"

All the boys: It's my movie! My movie! My superhero movie! It's all about me. Yeah, it's all about me. It's my movie! My movie! My superhero movie!

Nimh: They'll be linin' up to see a movie all about me

Volks:It's my movie!
Eli: My movie!
Kelby:My superhero movie!
Anon:It's all about me
All the boys Yeah it's all about me. It's all about me

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