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Our world, is broken. No one knows how we got to this point. We are not human anymore. We have destroyed what was left of humanity, all due to one choice. We have nothing left. We are nothing but rust and metal.

How did we get here, we wonder? Who is to blame? Are we to blame? Are we the corruption that pollutes our homes?

Let's get to the point. Ever since the choice happened and HE, was put onto the governments throne. The world we once thought was saved, turned upside down. What was once an imaginative little boy, had became a monster of a man. A man drunk with power.

He declared, that humans were weak, that WE needed more power and to get that power, we would have to sacrifice our flesh and bones.

We were forced to loose the humanity we once had, and for what reason? To satisfy his own sick needs of creating a new "ultimate species" of human.

Anyone who refused to take these new orders were taken by him and his government. No one knew what happened to them, no one had a clue. The only ones who knew, were the ones, who got caught, but as time passed I also learnt the sickening truth.

No one tried to stop him, no one dared. They were all just cowards. They all bowed down to their new king, falling into his wicked schemes.

We were the only ones who fought back. We were the Resistance.

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