Meeting the browtree pack

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I dean sent my dad a letter telling him where I was and they are on there way my dad and pack going to meet Roman and seth and the wintergreen pack..
Dean-hey dad
Kane-hey dean I see you found your mates
Dean-yes this is roman and Seth
Seth-nice to meet you sir welcome to the wintergreen pack house
Kane-why thank you young man
Roman-nice to meet you my dad and pack will be where tomorrow
Dean-this is the wintergreen pack and pack of Snow White wolves
Seth-yea I'm the alpha leader seth than we got Alexa, Finn, AJ, Sasha,Seamus,
Dean-this is my dad Kane, and my pack mates Randy, Jason, ReneeBailey, Curtis, Bo
Bo-that's right I'm baileys mate
Curtis-I'm mates you Jason
Randy-I'm mated to Renee
Seth-nice to meet y'all
AJ-does your pack dean wanna play with us winter wolves
Randy-sure let's go
Seth-have fun
Dean-yes don't destroy anything.
Finn-seth is the clumsy one
Seth-hey I take offense to that
Alexa -just speaking the truth
After that statement everyone turned except seth dean and Roman we will have the black moon wolfs here to morrow but right now it's white and brown wolves running everywhere...
Roman-just wait until my pack gets here tomorrow
Dean-can't wait

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