Tragadity strikes the wintergreen pack

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The brown tree pack and the black moon pack left to go hunt leaving Seth and the wintergreen pack behind because they knew more about the homes but someone snuck on the land and burned down the wintergreen pack house..everyone turned into there wolf form and ran out of the house and the woods everyone split up the brown tree and black moon pack saw the smoke and ran back into the woods and to the house we saw burning me and dean were panicking because we can't see any of the wintergreen pack meaning no Seth...we all split yup and started looking for the pack the brown tree pack found Aj, Stephanie, Sasha, and the black moon pack found Finn, Alexa, Dolph..
Triple h-where's Seth
Stephanie-we all got separated when the fire hit
Dean-me and Roman will go find our mate he's our mate
Roman-our boyfriend we gotta find our baby boy
Kane-be careful my son
Triple h-same to you roman be careful
Dean-we will take care of Seths pack please dad
Kane-our packs are with them we're gonna help Stephanie and the wintergreen pack rebuild the rest of yall need to find out who started this fire and why
Dean-mine and romans pack will figure that out me and Roman are going to hunt for seth
Stephanie -please find my boy I know y'all care about him please bring him home safely
Roman-Weill will miss Stephanie
As they were rebuilding me and dean told our packs to take caution and help the wintergreen pack out due to the fire we are on a mission to bring Seth back home...

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