The Baby

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After a few months Gun was finally in labor

He was in the ER with Off besides him letting Gun hold his hand crushing it

It was painful but he doesn't have the right to complain because he isn't the one who carried a baby for 9 months and give birth

Aspecially with Gun height the baby must've been heavy

Gun was screaming words like there were no tomorrow mostly cuss words and some other shit

Off then glanced at the nurse "is this normal?", Off asked the nurse only nodded

And Off looked back to Gun who was sweating and looking flushed because of exhaustion

The doctor then instructed Gun to push and so he did

And a baby boy went out and Offs tears fell not because of sadness but happiness

The baby was cleaned and Off cut the umbilical cord and the doctor gave the baby to Gun who was looking exhausted as ever

Gun smiled at his baby, it was a boy

"so what's the name?", the doctor asked

Off then glanced at Gun and gave Gun an approving nod and Gun replied with the name "Chimon, Chimon  Adulkittiporn" Gun said and smiled

Off took hold of his baby while Gun was getting more comfortable to take a rest and just sleep

"hello there little one", Off said to the little baby who was sleeping he had Guns eyes and lips but definitely Offs nose and height

They were finnaly happy, like a normal family

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