The Irreversible Curse

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Zed's POV

Zed was pacing his cell. He was so bored. The guards had all ready given him his new z-band but still hadn't released him.

Willa was taken from her cell all the time so they hadn't forgotten he was there, right?

He hadn't talked to anyone but Willa in days. Even talking to Willa wasn't really talking, it was just mouthing the words. Zed had told her all about how he got into Containment. Willa hadn't told him how she and the other werewolves had gotten in Containment but she had told him the horrors she had suffered.

Zed wanted to be let go so he could help Addison free the werewolves and apologize for what he had done to her.

Zed stopped pacing when he heard the familiar boot stomps of Monster Patrol troopers. He glared at them as they took Willa back to the cell. That was really all he could do.

Willa sat on the metal bench. She seemed to be fighting back tears. Zed tapped on the glass wondering if she wanted to talk. Willa turned away from Zed. She definitely did not want to talk.

He wondered what happened to her. He had never seen Willa like this before. He tapped again. He really wanted to help. Willa needed help right now, Wyatt wasn't around to help her.

Zed's hand fell to his side. Wyatt. What if the guards had killed him? Willa would never be the same. Willa and Wyatt were the closest siblings he had ever seen.

Willa turned back to Zed. Slowly he got her words. "They turned Wyatt human somehow. Then they told all the werewolves we would either die or be killed.

Zed growled and started pacing his cell. His hands clenched in fists. He pounded on the plastic cell. He hit it again and again making loud deep clonging noises.

Troopers ran in and then stopped when they saw it was Zed. They looked at each other with annoyance. This just made Zed hit his shoulder against the plastic.

He put his hands on the plastic wall and pushed. His muscles burned as he gritted his teeth and pushed.

He felt the plastic groan under the pressure. He gave one last huge push. The plastic wall fell down with a loud bang.

"Let us go." Zed said.

"We'll let you go zombie. We won't let the werewolves free unless they become human." A young trooper said.

"Why do the werewolves need to be human. All they wanted was to cut themselves off from us. Why do you have to hurt them?" Zed asked. "They haven't done anything."

The trooper looked at his partner, another young 20-year old. "They were going to attack us."

Zed looked at Willa. Willa shook her head. "That's not true. Who is telling you these lies?"

"They are true zombie. Why should we trust the werewolves? Their first instinct was to attack the town. They only didn't because they were weak!" The first officer said.

"Now, what's to stop them from doing it now, when they are at full power?" The second said.

"Morals." Zed said. "Everyone has them. Even those who you call monsters. Help us. Help the werewolves. You will be protected from the humans."

The first trooper shook his head. The second was a little more hesitant. The first trooper pulled the z-alarm on the wall.

Zed sighed. More troopers ran in and took Zed away. Zed glanced back at Willa wondering if this was the last time he would ever see her.

The troopers took Zed and put him in a Monster Patrol van. They drove him back to Zombietown. Zed walked out the van and rang the doorbell of his house.

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