Chapter 3. New Friends

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I dragged both boys to my fathers room where I grabbed some sweats and shirts from his drawers and handed it them.

"Put these on?"
"How?" Asked Sheldon.
"Just figure it out." I said with blush as I turned and clothed the door behind him but not before first grabbing my dads robe from behind the door. I dropped the robe over my arm and then walked casually to the back door. Our back yard wasn't huge. It had enough room for a small garden where we grew vegetables, a shed full of animal feed, a chicken coop, and an above ground pool. I walked up to the pool and saw a head of bright orange hair sticking out from the water. I walked closer and saw the head was attached to body that was completely submerged under the water. I waited a few seconds and then began to grow concerned when the body neither moved or came up for breath so lightly I pulled on a strand of their orange hair. This must have startled them because they came right to the surface and I was face to face with a baby faced boy with a head full of wavy orange hair and two beautiful blue eyes staring at me. I gaped a second at him as I was very happy his lower half was still below water and not visible. He stared at me and then smiled a goofy grin as he turned and wet back under the water. This time I grabbed his arm and pulled him out.

"You can't swim naked!" I told him, as if that was what was important right now.

"But the pool's so big." He whined and I was surprised by his voice which was both deep and child like at the same time. I could imagine him being a very good singer.

"You can keep swimming if you put some shorts on." I told him and he pouted but seemed to understand as he climbed out of the pool and I immediately dropped my dads bathrobe over him and pulled the drawer strings tight. The guy was neither tall nor short and he had a small yet refined build. I grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him inside where I found two semi dressed guys waiting for me. The rat had figured out the pants but had given up on the shirt as it hung loosely around his neck. Sheldon in the meantime had done the opposite. He was fully dressed and had even added on more layers as he had put on my dads big puffy jacket and wrapped his winter scarf loosely around his neck so he drowning in fabric.

"You're Sheldon." I said, pointing at the smaller brown haired boy. "And you are the rat." I pointed at the raven haired lad before turning to the orange haired beauty next to me. "So Im just going to take a guess here and say that you are Carl, my comet goldfish." Carl barely acknowledged me as he kept looking out the window into the backyard.

"can I go back to the pool?" He asked and I shook my head and he frowned slightly but he didn't seem that upset as I noticed he still had a small grip on my hand and he made no motion to try to leave my side and return to the water.

"How did this happen?" I asked myself out loud.

"What do you mean?" Carl asked. "You made this happen."


"You wished for it."


"I heard you. You wished for more friends so here we are. We are here to be your friends." As he said this his grip on my hand increased slightly and I could tell what he was thinking. He was scared I was going to reject him, reject his presence. "Do you not like us here?" He asked and the other two boys stopped what they were doing to look at me, waiting for an answer. I held my breathe and swallowed deeply. I couldn't reject them.

"Of course not." I said. "I'm glad you are here. Its just unexpected."

Carl and the others seemed to accept this answer as Rat went back to munching on crackers and Carl left my side to go help Sheldon stand up.

"How am I going to explain this to my dad?" I asked.

"We are your friends." Carl said. "Just tell them some friends are staying over, and if that doesn't work we can stay in the shed or the woods outside." Sheldon perked up and shook his head wildly at that idea.

"Not the woods!" He screeched as he tucked his head further into his scarf. "There are big stuff in the woods!"

"Big stuff?" I asked.

"Like dogs!" Sheldon answered and Rat stiffened at the word dogs as he dropped his box of crackers and stared at me for support.

"Don't worry." I told him. "You won't have to deal with any dogs."

Rat relaxed at this and picked up his crackers again as he munched a bit slower this time. Just then my phone rang and I ran to pick it up. It was my dad.

"Is everything ok there?" My dad asked me over the phone. "You left a text for me to call you."

"Yeah everything is fine." I said as I stared around the room at the guys. "Hey can I ask you a favor?" I asked him.
"What is it?" He asked.

"Do you mind if I use the guys room for a while?"

"What for?"

"I have some friends who wanted to stay over for a few days and I was wondering if they could use the room?"

"Of course!" He said, I could hear the excitement in his voice. "You rarely have friends over! They could stay as long as they like!"

"Thanks." I said as I rounded up the conversation and said goodbye. "My dad's on his way home." I told the guys. "He can't find out what is really happening so you guys are going to have to pretend to be my school friends, okay?"

"Fine by me." Carl said as the other two boys nodded.

"Ill go buy you some clothes so can I trust you to stay here by yourself?"
"We'll be fine." Sheldon said as he just laid down on the floor and covered his face with the scarf. I looked to Carl who seemed to be the more capable and normal of the three and he smiled and nodded at me.
"We will be fine." He said as I grabbed my bag and took one last look of me.

"Don't go anywhere." I said. "And don't let Rat eat the entire kitchen!"

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