Chapter 4: Shopping

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About a twenty minute walk from my house was a downtown area full of stores and restaurants. I stopped by a well known mens clothing store but felt weird about going in by myself. As I was hesitating by the door I saw a shadow fall over me and I looked back to see a group of three guys, one of whom I recognized as the guy who gave me Rat.

"What are you doing just hanging around in the doorway?" He asked as his friends walked past us and into the store.

"I'm just...uh..." I mumbled as I tried to think of a plausible answer. At this point anything but the truth would seem believable. "I need to buy something but I'm kind of nervous about going in by myself." I said honestly.

"You can come in with us." Said a voice behind me and I looked back to see one of his friends had come back to join us. He was a short guy with an athletic build and spiked black hair. He seemed confident and outgoing.

"Really?" I asked.

"Of course. We are just browsing anyway. Right, Vince?" The guy from before with the sandy blonde hair looked unsure but finally groaned and agreed as his friend led me inside by the hand. "I'm Liam." He said. "That guy is Vince and the giant glasses guy in the corner is Fin." He pointed to the corner of the store where there other friend was browsing some shirts. The guy was unnaturally tall with curly black hair and green rimmed glasses. He waved at us shyly and then went back to his shirts. "Are you shopping for someone in particular?" Liam asked.

"I just need to grab as much as I can without spending too much." I told him and he chuckled.

"Well then you might be in luck. This store is awesome and it has lots of sales and deals."

Liam led me around the store while Vince trailed behind him. He helped me pick put a couple of five dollar tees and some shorts. As we were heading for checkout I also grabbed a big scarf from a manakin and bought it as well. By the end I had four large bags and had spent quite a bit.

"Who's all this stuff for?" Vince asked as we exited the store. "Do you have brothers or something?"

"Something like that." I said as I turned to say goodbye but then sucked in breathe as I saw someone approaching. Carl was standing at the street corner wearing my dads green sweats, a blue flannel shirt with a pair of bright red crocs on his feet. Rat was with him and dressed in similar disarray as he had a bag of chips in one hand and a water bottle in the other. For a second I thought of running before they say me but that thought was quickly abandoned as Carl caught sight of me and made a beeline for our group.

"Y/n!" He called in a cheery voice as he sort of just pushed his way into our group to stand in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him in a hushed tone.
"We got lonely. You were taking too long."

"I was barely gone an hour!"
"Are these your friends?" Liam asked me as he looked over at the two boys.

"I thought you didn't have any friends." Vince stated and Liam elbowed him in a gut. As Vince doubled over in pain Liam turned to me once more.

"Don't bother with him. He's just grumpy."

"Ok." I muttered as I looked back at Carl who seemed to be sizing up the group of boys.

"Are those for us?" He asked as he turned back to me and pointed at my bags. Before I could say anything he grabbed one, looked inside, and beamed. "These are awesome! Thanks so much!" Then suddenly he hugged me and gripped me tightly. I felt my face go bright red as the other boys just stared at us.

"They're very close." Fin stated in a small voice and Liam nodded in agreement with a small blush on his cheeks. After what felt like an eternity Rat separated us as he took two bags from me and handed the other two to Carl. Carl stared at him for a second with a frown and then pouted cutely.

"Get over it." Rat muttered. It was the first time I had heard him speak. His voice was deep and raspy and very adult like. Carl stuck his tongue out at him and took the bags. He then looped his free arm around my own and started to drag me away.

"Wait!" I said.
"What is it?" He asked.
"I have to say goodbye to the others."

"Is that really necessary?"

"They helped me. It's the least I can do."

Carl frowned but released me as I went back to the boys.

"Your friends are weird." Vince said and then dodged Liam's elbow as he took two steps back.

"Thanks for helping me." I said.

"Don't worry about it." Said Liam as he waved me goodbye. Fin also gave me a little wave and a bow of his head but said nothing. Vince didn't even bother and he just sort of walked away. Liam looked at him and then shot me an apologetic look before running after him. Fin followed. Quietly I left and went back to Carl and Rat and then started heading home.

"How'd you find me?" I asked them as we walked together.

"Scent." Carl stated.

"You sniffed me out? Like a dog?"

"Not me. Rat." He pointed at Rat who didn't even acknowledge our conversation. A couple steps later and I struck by a sudden thought.

"Wait..." I said as I was hit by a sudden realization. "Where is Sheldon?"

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