Chapter Two

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~with Steve~
Steve waved to Natasha, Bucky and Rebecca on his way out of the school building. He pulls out his phone, and texts his mom.

Steve: Hey, Mom. I'm going to walk home from school.

Mom: No, Steve, I'm going to pick you up.

Steve: Mom, I'll be okay. If anything happens, I'll call you, okay?

Mom: Okay. Be careful, Stevie.

Steve groans at the sight of his mother's text. "She has to stop calling me that.." he mumbles. He starts walking toward his street, when he runs into somebody. "Oof~" Steve looks up, and sees a tall, blond haired boy, around his age, followed by a black haired boy. "Oh, I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going," Steve says, stumbling backwards a little bit. The blond haired boy smiles and says, "It's okay. My name's Thor, this is my brother," Thor wraps his arm around the black haired boy, "Loki. Say hello, brother." Loki looks up from his phone, "Hello, brother." Thor facepalms and turns his attention back to Steve, "I'm sorry, he can be a bit stubborn sometimes." Steve smiles, "No worries. My name is Steve, by the way. Steve Rogers." Loki looks back up from his phone, "Oh. I know you. I think I might've passed you in the hallway once or twice, talking to that Bucky fellow." Steve nods, "Yep. That's me." The three chat a little longer, then they part their ways.

~with Rebecca~

"So," Bucky begins, smiling, "you like him, don't you?" Rebecca glares at Bucky, making him laugh. "You totally do! Wait till Mom and Dad hear about this." Rebecca smacks Bucky's arm, causing him to laugh even more. 'God, why does my brother have to be this way..?' Rebecca's phone goes off, and when she pulls it out, it's a message from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hello, Rebecca.

Rebecca: Uh, who is this..?

Unknown: It's Steve. Loki gave me your number.

Rebecca: Ohh. Okay. I was scared that you were some creepo, trying to hook up with me.

Steve: Rebecca!! Why would anyone do that??

Rebecca: Um, have you even seen this town?!

Steve: Fair.

Bucky looks over her shoulder, "Who you texting?" Rebecca quickly shuts her phone off, "Nobody!" Bucky smiles, "Sure~ it's 'Nobody'" Rebecca smacks her brother's arm again, laughing. They walk the rest of the way home teasing each other about embarrassing things they've done, when Bucky yells, "There's Steve!!" Rebecca jumps and looks around, "Where?!" Bucky laughs and takes of running. "JAMES BUCHANAN BARNES, I WILL KILL YOU!!" Rebecca yells, chasing after her brother. After what seemed like hours of running, Rebecca and Bucky finally arrive at home. Their mother, Winnifred, walks into the living room, beaming. "Hello, James. Rebecca, dear, will you let the dog in? He's been outside all afternoon and he needs to come in." Rebecca nods and lets the family dog, Spot, inside the house. "Hey, Spot! Hey, buddy! Come here, buddy. You want belly rubs?" Bucky starts playing with Spot, while Rebecca goes into her room so she can do her homework.

What's up? Second chapter's done finally. Sorry it took so long. I had stuff to do, and then I started summer school today. I'll try and post sooner.

Peace, Lexi

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