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I sat on the roof of my house. The sunset was beautiful.

"Wes?" Asked Paige coming through my window.

"Yeah?" I asked.

She sat down next to me.

"You know how you can see the dead." Said Paige.

"Yeah." I said.

"I'm a witch Wes. So is Nora. We are going to the world of monsters this weekend. We want you to come." Said Paige.

How do I tell her I've already been invited.

"Sister I'm already going with Zoë." I said.

"Oh of course you are. Well good night." Said Paige.

I went back inside after Paige left.

"Wes I'm going with you. I don't care I'm not a witch!" Announced Danielle.

"Ok ok you can come." I said.

Nora climbed into my bed late that night. So did Danielle.

"If you tell anyone I'll kill you." Said Danielle.

"Well we can't have that." I said.

The next morning. It is Friday.

Tomorrow is the prom.

"Wesley Zoë's at the door!" Yelled Paige.

"Coming!" I yelled down.

I put on my pants and grab my shirt. I head to the door.

Me, Paige, Danielle, Nora, Zoë, Jake, victor, Henry, Ivan, Ella and Cleo are going swimming.

I grab my bag at the door.

"Hey took you long...." Said Zoë.

She turned around and blushed. I hadn't put my shirt on yet.

"Enough." Finished Zoë.

"Yeah sorry. Just got out of the shower." I said.

"No it's ok Wes." Said Henry also blushing.

I put on my shirt clearly embarrassed.

We walked to the pool near my house.

"Hey Wes. Tomorrow is the last day of school and the prom. Do you know who your taking?" Asked Cleo.

"No." I said.

"Really you don't?" Asked Cleo.

"Of course he doesn't!" Said Paige.

"What do you mean of course not?" I asked.

"Well I've known you your whole life. You have never been able to chose anything." Said Paige.

We opened the pool gate and went in. Nora and Danielle went to find a good spot. Me, Paige, Zoë and Cleo went to get the beach towels.

"Well that might be true. But this is so different. I have already chosen." I said taking the towels to the place where everyone was.

Zoë gasped and yanked my arm.

"What do you mean you already chosen?" Asked Zoë.

I dropped the towels on the seats. Everyone was starring at me.

I looked up to the old abandoned house by the pool. They made it into the hang out for swimmers. No one ever went into it without being dared.

A light flickered on in the back bedroom. A face in the window calling for me.

"Wes!" Yelled Nora.

I looked at her.

"Yes?" I asked.

"It's rude to not answer." Said Nora.

"Oh sorry. I've chosen to take...

Danielle." I said looking to the window again.

"Oh no way. I'm going with my friends." Said Danielle.

"Why would you do that? You have ten people asking you to go." Said Nora.

"Wesley what is it?" Asked Paige.

I was still looking at the window. The light went off and the face disappeared.

"There was someone there." I said.

Everyone looked to the window.

Black lighting Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now