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Yesterday I spent time with Fawn and today I spent time with Ali.

They were both fun and really nice. I keep them where they are on the list.

The next day.

"Good morning sleepy." Said Nora bouncing on the bed.

"Morning." I said getting up.

She hopped down and followed me to the bathroom. She watched as I bushed my teeth and got dressed.

"Why are you so clingy today?" I asked as she grabbed my hand.

"I don't know. Because I can annnnnd I haven't see you since we got here. Not really they keep stealing you away from me." Said Nora.

"Well today I'm hanging with Trevor." I said.

"Nope Trevor cancelled saying to take him off. Whatever that means." Said Nora.

"So I'm all yours." I said grabbing her and putting her on my back.

"Well me and Danielle's." Said Nora.

As she said that my hand was taken. Danielle was there.

"You know with everything we have been through this is one thing I'll never miss." I said.

"Me neither." Said Danielle.

When I went back to the hotel room that night tears started falling.

I opened up the note pad and looked at the family photo I had.

My mom, sisters and dad. Nora was just a little baby. Dad wasn't there but I taped him into the photo. I grabbed a doll from my bag it was Nora's.

"Hey Wes what's the matter?" Asked Zoë coming in.

Henry followed closely behind her. They sat on the bed with me.

"This was back when Nora was born. When dad died I taped this photo of him to here. It was so Nora would always know her dad. Then mom got sick. Sara took over the working part. Julia took over the protection. Kathleen was going to college. Paige was the mom. I was the odd one out. The only one who could calm Nora. Kay and Olivia are survivers. Danielle wouldn't leave my side. Because we are so close with age we're like twins kinda." I said as I looked at the photo.

"Wesley your life was hard enough. If you want us to back off. We can." Said Henry.

"Yea it won't be a problem." Said Zoë.

"Thanks but....I like the attention. I never really got it." I said.

"Yeah I can see that." Said Zoë.

She got up and left.

"I'll be here for you. Even if I'm not the one you pick." Said Henry kissing my cheek then leaving.

I closed my book and followed them out.

"Hold up guys!" I yelled running after them.

My like list.

1. Henry -

2. Zoë -

3. Fawn -

4. Ali -

5. June -

Black lighting Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now