Strange fires

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"okay dude, its been FOUR months. You've got to have your gaurdian angel come soon, you cant just like- not get one", Aryns best friend, Cody said, whilst on call. Everyone was meant to get a gaurdian angel sent down from heaven to them when they turned 15. When they blew out the candle, the smoke would turn into their angel. Well, nothing happened when Aryn turned 15. It was odd. He knew for certain he hadn't just thought he had turned 15 and been 14 or something. It had been 4 months, and he was still waiting. Anytime he lit a candle, he would passionately blow it out, in hopes maybe that would do something. It was 2am, he should be asleep by now. But he saw some fog from his open window, and smelt something funky. He ran to it and saw a huge fire down the road, and his stomach tripped. 

"Hello? Aryn? You there dude?" 

"Yeah, yeah I'm here alright. Thats so odd..." His words trailed off.

"Dude what is? I'm looking at your ceiling right now." 

"Oh right yeah, well there's a fire down my street, and nobody is there.."
"Show me or it didn't happen, damn dude, why'd the cool stuff happen AFTER I move towns"

Aryn instantly pointed his phone to the window. "Sorry its probably really dark for you to see, it's like already 2:15. But you can see the light, I can see the rest and i swear dude, there's nobody there."
"Bro. I don't see anything? Like you said I don't see anyone either but I see nothing?? I dont think you're on pause, I can sorta see the street lights but?" Cody wondered what was going on.

"This aint the time to play dude. You can't see you don't see that." Aryn looked at his phone screen and couldn't see it. "Hang on, I can't see it through my phone. I'll call you back." He ended the call and tried to take a picture of it, again, he couldn't see. He assumed it was the lighting but wanted to check he wasn't seeing things. He put on some shoes that had great grip, along with some jogging bottoms and a hoodie. He made sure his door was locked so his parents wouldn't come in in case they did wake up. He could use the front door, but the stairs and the door and everything would be WAY to loud, he also can't lock his bedroom door from the outside, so, sneaking out through the window it was. He managed to reach ground level, and started running towards the burning building, not knowing how long he'd have until his parents may wake up and think something. he got there and pulled out his phone. The camera went blank?? He was so confused, it never crashed. he needed to prove to Cody that he wasn't lying. Nobody was there. Maybe because it was 2:30 by then, but wouldn't someone be awake and call the fire department? What about the people who lived there? The fire all of a sudden went out, yet the smokes mass got larger and larger. He pulled his hoodie up over his face, trying not to inhale it. What was going on?? All of a sudden all of the street lights went out and he passed out.

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