Greetings, human.

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Aryn woke up in his bed, not remembering much after the fire went out. He saw a person with brown hair and bright red eyes standing over him, and went to scream, but its bony fingers covered his mouth. "Its 3:30 am. Go to sleep. I'll wake you up at six." It said

"SIX?!?! NONONO Tell me what you are and what you are doing right now. What did you have to do with the fire, I KNOW it was something." Aryn replied.

"Let's just say, you've been expecting me. You dont want to know what'll happen if you dont sleep right now" It replied.

Aryn turned to his side and started to try and sleep. The creature went to sit in a chair, and picked up a magazine, and started turning around, the chair squeaking. "Can you shut up with that? or you don't wanna see what will happen!" Aryn replied, whilst turning to the other side. He had so many questions. Was this the guardian angel? It didnt look very angel like. But he was so tired he went straight to sleep.

"Good morning! I made your room better", the creature woke Aryn up. 
"Oh thanks, WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!" Aryn looked around at his usually tidy room to see a complete mess. "I made it better! If I'm going to be living her, it's gotta suit ME" It said.

"Nonononono. You aint living here. Who, or what re you even? You owe me an explanation!" Aryn said. It turned its back to Aryn, Removed his jumper and threw it at him. He messed up his hair and Aryn could see something red. It removed its button up shirt and dropped it to the ground. Small black wings turned larger, and sprouted from its back. It moved its shoulders around a bit and turned back to face Aryn, a smile on its face. "woah" Aryn said,

"Yeah my names Luca, kinda sort for Lucifer, my step dads aunts cousins sisters neices brothes second cousins grandad, you look confused. Lucifer as in Satan. Im your guardian angel, (quotation marks) except im form hell. Guardian devil i guess, sorry I'm late and all, had some duties to fullfill. Anyway; of course im not human, we can see that, and we discussed it. I could use your help to fit in. Like you know, refer to me as something that isn't a 'thing'" Luca said. Aryn say there, jaw dropped at what had happened. "Did I do something wrong? Is this an early sign I'm going to hell?" Aryn asked, his voice trembling with  fear. Luca shook his head.

"Nah they were all out of angels. I'm the first devil guardian, it took a while because we were sorting it all out with h-h-hea-gods place. They are fine on angels now, or so i think? I dont care, but yeah, you don't get a replacement buddy" Luca side smiled. 
"Great so I'm stuck with this forever" Aryn sighed

"HEY! I dont wanna be here either buddy. Just help me fit in." 

"Fit in with what?"
"I dont know dude, everyone i guess"
"Uh no. Angels never meet eachother, and nobody can see you anyway! You dont need to 'fit in'." Aryn said, starting to get mad.

"Woah dude, you're getting red. Anyway, like I said, I'm DIFFERENT. They can see me."
Aryn wished he had never left, maybe then he wouldn't of met this guy. He'd rather have no angel than this. He grabbed an outfit and headed to his bathroom. He felt a stone cold hand touch his wrist. "Don't wear that dude, it doesn't even match. I'm suprised you have friends when you dress like that. Talking of friends; You can't say im a devil, say you have an angel or something, like everyone else, and there was... heaven traffic!" Luca said, guiding him to a better outfit, that had already been picked out. As soon as Aryn walked out, Luca smiled. "You look great dude!"

"I don't know, it's not my style..."

" Don't care didn't ask, plus you're human. Anyway, let's make me look human!"
"NO! We don't need to."
"Sure we do, I'm coming to school with you after all"
"Why should I take you, Luca?"
"Everyones gotta take their guardian."
"True! But, they can see you."
"I know. That's why we've gotta make me look different. I've got a good act and all, I've had someone hack me into the systems to make me seem like a new person there. It'll be cool, now help!" Aryn helped tuck Luca's wings into a shirt and went to grab his jumper. 

"Wait. You wear my jumper, it'll look better on you, and I'll wear yours!" 
"Are we even the same size?"
They swapped jumpers, and Aryn helped hide Luca's horns. "Great. You look human other than your eyes, but, if anyone asks, just come up with something. Climb out my window I'll meet you out front."
"Why should I climb out the window?" Luca asked, slightly offended

"My parents are up, dumby, if they see you they'll think I was sleeping with you or something. I'm not even gay but-"
"Got it. Don't care about your life. Cya out front!"
Aryn looked in the window and felt uncomfortable in his outfit, even the hair Luca gelled back for him. He avoided his parents and ran to meet Luca.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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