Chapter 41🖤

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[Brennen sat next to you]

Brennen- Do you want to talk about it ?
YN- Not really.
Brennen- Don't cry,come here .(He pulled you into a tight hug )
YN- I'm such a bad person !
Brennen- No you're not and you know it.
YN- You sure about that cause I'm not.
Brennen- Yeah I'm sure ,let's get out of here.

Brennen drove to McDonald's to get ice cream to cheer me up a little bit,which kinda worked. We went to his place after,we watch a movie and cuddled.It was getting late and felt asleep.

*The next day*

I had a headache because of the party last night. I realized I was sleeping on brennen's chest, I immediately moved and sit back.I looked at my phone and the girls was blowing up my phone to know where I was.

I lied I didn't want them to worry and know what happened last night

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I lied I didn't want them to worry and know what happened last night.

[Brennen woke up]

Brennen- Good morning ,he said smiling.
YN- Good morning ,you said smiling.
Brennen- Wanna go get some breakfast?
YN- Sure, if you drive me back to the trap house after.
Brennen- Deal!
YN- Let's goo then!I'm hungry as hell!

We went to Dunkin Donuts,we ate and talked to a while ,he eventually drove me back at the trap house.

We went to Dunkin Donuts,we ate and talked to a while ,he eventually drove me back at the trap house

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I needed to talk with Colby. I shouldn't have acted this way last night and I feel bad about it. I heard talking in Colby's room so I opened the door .

Colby- You need to go amber !
Amber- Why ? Didn't we have a good time yesterday?
Colby- I have a girlfriend!Just go before she comes back.
[You opened the door]
YN- What the fuck!
Colby- I can explain ,wait !
[You walked down the stair ]
YN- What you gotta tell me ?!
Colby- I'm sorry ! I fucked up .I was jealous ,thought you slept at brennen's place and Idk...
YN- Yeah i did slept at brennen's place but I didn't fuck him, if that what you're assuming!
Colby- I- I- listen I'm so sorry ,I shouldn't have done this ! I fucked up I know ,just please forgive me.
YN- Well at least you know that you fucked up really bad !
[You walked out and slammed the door]

*You're calling Kevin*
Kev- Hey
YN- Hey Can you come pick me up at the trap house ?
Kev- Sure I'm on my way !
YN- Alright ,thanks see you soon!
Kev- See you.

*end of the call*

I couldn't believe him right now ! Ruining our relationship in one night with a random girl ! I was crying and I couldn't stop,my face was stained of mascara. Kev finally arrived after 10 minutes,I just wanted to go home and never see him again.

Kev- Hey why are you crying? What happened?
YN- He fucking cheated on me !
Kev- Are you sure ?
YN- Yes kev! I mean there was a naked girl in his bed ,so yeah I think I'm fucking right!(you said raising your voice)
Kev- I'm so sorry ,let's go home.
YN- No I'm sorry ,I shouldn't have screamed at you.
Kev- It's fine ,you're angry and probably feeling tons of emotions at the same time.

What was I supposed to do ? Forgive him? Broke up with him?I mean I basically did but anyways ...we arrived at home.I ran into my room and lock myself in it.

Mike- Y/N?
YN-What do you want ?
Mike- Are you ok?
YN- Let's say it's not a good day.
Mike- Can you Open the door please...
YN- Why would I do that.
Mike- Because you love me and you know I hate seeing you hurt.
YN- Fine.
[You opened the door]
Mike- Come here. (He hugged you tightly for a long time)
YN- Why would he do something like that?!
Mike- i don't know but one thing that I know is that he really loves you.
YN- He wouldn't have done this if he would have loved me.
Mike- Well you basically cheated on him with me but doesn't mean you didn't love him...
YN- Yeah but it's different,I didn't fuck with you or anyone else !But he did!
Mike- I'm sorry ,you doesn't deserve what's happening to you.
[You cuddled with mike ,cried and felt asleep]

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