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Luke felt like his entire world had crumbled in front of him. As music blaired throughout his room he lay sprawled out across his mattress and a cigaratte dangled from his lips. He was breaking all over again.

Not only did Michael let him down, but he pushed away Ashton and he'd been ignoring Calum's calls and texts. Poor Calum was left behind at the school to deal with Michael's idiotic ass and to find Ashton to get a good explanation of what exactly occurred.

Luke coughed a bit before he sat up and looked around his dirty room. Pictures lined up in one specific spot on the wall. His photo area. The photos were of him and his closest friends, doing the most random and somewhat stupid shit you could think of.

He got up slowly and walked over to the wall, eyes landing on one specific photo. A photo from Luke's welcome home party after his first hospital stay. Michael was extremely clingy that night. His arms never left Luke. And Luke didn't mind that much. Some would say that theres no way their friendship is just platonic and maybe it wasnt. But so what? Its not like they were in love.

Luke smiled softly as he kept glancing at the other photos. Pictures of Him and Calum, him and Michael, Michael and Calum, Pictures of all three of them. They were the three "fuck-it-teers." As Michael claimed. If Luke had a reason to live, it was this.

"Luke, theres a young man here to see you.." Liz spoke from outside Lukes bedroom door.

Luke sighed and opened his door, smiling softly before making his way down the stairs and out the front door. He knew who it was immediatley by the car parked on the curb.


He shook his head and made his way to the car. He knew Ashton was going to question him so he figured he'd just lie and tell Ashton he was fine. He grasped the passenger side door handle and pulled it open. He slid into the seat and shut the door, however when he looked in the driver seat. Ashton wasn't driving.

Michael was.

"What are you doing with Ashton's car Michael?" Luke asked in a quiet and closed off tone.

"I needed to speak with you. I knew the only person you'd wanna see right now is Ashton because you trust him." Michael answered, not even glancing in Luke's direction.

"Why did you do start doing heroin again? And why the fuck did you lie to me about it?" Luke asks, looking directly at Michael.

"You wouldnt understand Luke.." Michael replied with a shake of his head.

"Thats bullshit. You've been my bestfriend for years. Theres nothing about you that I wouldn't understand. So stop being a fucking baby and tell me why the hell you're using again!" Luke exclaimed, nearly punching the dashboard.

He was so fucking angry. What about Michael's life could drive him to do heroin and not talk to Luke about it. They told eachother everything. Literally everything.

"My parents are getting a divorce Luke. But it doesn't matter because my dad is choosing that stupid whore from his art musuem over my mother." Michael admitted. "But you'd never understand that because you're life is perfect. You're parents love eachother. You dont have to choose who you wanna live with. You dont have to worry about becoming a big brother to three other kids who you barely know!" Michael shouted in anger, pounding his fists against the steering wheel as tears fell down his face.

Luke could see the boy had reached his breaking point and he finally understood why Michael had relapsed. Michael was angry. And instead of taking it out on others Michael internalized that pain and he took it out on himself. Luke leaned across the center console and wrapped his arms around Michael, holding him tightly as the boy kept screaming in anger.

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