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My AU: Megan, Sophie (Shuichi's double) and Momota nonsense uwu

My AU My Rules!

- Megan and Sophie are the only two who know that Momota is actually a girl.
- Saihara and Momota want to kill each other but don't because 1.) the other would get executed and 2.) Megan would be sad although Momota almost snaps herself when Sophie reveals he set Akamatsu up during chapter 6, and she only escaped due to dumb luck.
- Speaking of Megan's execution, her execution is similar to Kaede's where she has to play the piano with her whole body, however, she has to play Flea Waltz without messing up once or else the piano will crush her. The piano itself is smaller, just to give her a chance. She messes up at the very last note and the piano swings close on her, but where she's at, the spikes don't hurt her, and she is instead trapped underneath the cover, slowly suffocating until Shirogane rescues her. The alternate is she has to play Flea Waltz on a regular piano without messing up or else another piano will fall and crush her, she does it but the piano drops on her anyways, however the remaining Monokub sacrifices themself, dropping Megan into a corpse pile of all her other deceased friends. Interestingly enough, she lands inbetween Regan, the first murder case victim, and Ouma, the fifth murder case victim.
- Megan's a big crybaby.
- Momota does not have an illness wahoo!
- Sophie tried to bury Momota alive once.
- Sophie has been buried alive multiple times by Momota.
- Megan and Momota are dating and it's both cute and scary because Megan is cute but Momota will break your neck if you even so look at her the wrong way-
- Momota's really strong. Like, she can carry her body weight kind of strong- she's like 180 pounds-
- Megan gets carried a lot by Momota and Sophie, and it usually consists of one grabbing her and running away from the other-
- Megan threw a snowball at Momota when Momota was getting down on one knee to propose to her in the snow because she thought Momota was making a snowball-
- Sophie really wants to tell everyone Momota's a girl but knows her own body will be discovered in the morning-
- Momota's like, 6'7, Megan is 5'8 and Sophie like 6'5.
- Momota has had the shxt beaten out of her by an angry Ouma- Ouma's more bipolar than Naegi is, and that's saying something.
- Megan works at a FNaF chain and will sometimes bring Momota there in the daytime with Ouma and Charlie and Momota will stare down the animatronics even though she's shorter than them. Momota is intense.
- Megan is a goddess prove me wrong.
- Sophie has an obsession with finding out how Momota keeps their hair up without using hair gel.
- Momota's hair naturally stays up, she doesn't use any hair gel. Same thing with Kaito's hair. Their hair is also super soft.
- Sophie hates Momota and Momota hates Sophie and Megan is just kind of there to keep them from killing each other.
- Megan would totally wear a suit to her wedding and make Momota wear a wedding dress-

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