
77 6 25

Edward Seymour-EdwardTudorSeymour

Philip Hamilton-Me

Alexei Romanov-EdwardTudorSeymour

Janie Grey-nicenxckbtw

Katherine Howard-nicenxckbtw

Tatiana Romanov-nicenxckbtw

Elisabeth Valois-HistoryNxrd

Anastasia Romanov-HistoryNxrd

John Laurens-Isabelladabomb

Maria Romanov-AlexandraHamilton2

Jane Seymour- JaneSuddenlySeymour

Cathryn Parr-okbuwumer

Nicholas Romanov-Me

Anne Boleyn-HistoryNxrd

Peter III of Russia-okbuwumer


(All the other roles must be requested. These are the most important roles for obvious reasons. And you can obviously have more than one role.)

Edward,Philip & Alexei: The Boy TrioWhere stories live. Discover now