Chapter 5 ~ no! Not these feelings again!.

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Jodi's pov..

Me and luke got the the ice cream parlour I got a the vanilla and cookie doe ice cream and he got chocolate and strawberry.

"So jods, how've you been?" He asked as we sat down in the spare booth.

"I've been good, it was good to get away for awhile". I say taking a scope of ice cream.

"Any... Any guys on the scene" luke asked cocky like, and I raised an eye brow.

"There's been a few, nothing to serous tho, although I was talking to this guy that went to our school called Calum and he wants to meet up so.. Yeah" I said and his face went chalk white.

"Are you okay" I asked luke and he looked me in the eye.

"Um, yeah it's weird ya know, I just missed you" he says and he melted my heart.. It's like the old feelings coming back again, no Jodi! Stay strong!! I told my self.

"I missed you too" I said with a smile.

"Where are you staying by the way, are you sleeping at your parents?".

"Actually no, I'm only sleeping there temporally, I'm moving into my new flat near the city in a couple of days, it's not to far from my parents also" I said and he nodded and said.

"I, well we all kinda live near the city" he chuckled and I smiled brighter.

"That's good" I say.

One hour later.

"Thanks luke, I really had a good time today" I smile

"It's my pleasure, it was great seeing you babe, oh by the way mikeys having a party tonight.. You should come" he said and I smiled.

"Yeah of course what time?" I ask.

"Erm, about 8ish" he bit his lip ring..

"Um, that's fine see you tonight" I rushed and my heart was beating faster and faster...

"Okay see you then" and with that he drove off.

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