Savior ( A BVB BoyxBoy Fan - Fiction )

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Hey guys! Who ever may be reading this, Thank you. I'm really scared my story will suck and everyone will hate me. Oh well, All I really want is for Amyscence to see this and tell me if it's any good. If so, And I get good feedback, Then I'll continue. But if no one reads it, I'll just stop and go crawl in my hole of awesome and unicorns and bands and Subway. Yeah; I went there. c;


Andys P.O.V

" I love you Andy; Forever. " He said. Resting his forehead against my own.

" I love you too Ashley; Forever. " As I said these words he leaned his face closer to mine and his breath hit my face making my own hitch in the back of my throat. God he smelled so good.  We both leaned and our lips connected sending an electric current through my entire body. My heart started racing and I realized one thing; Forever actually meant forever. I smiled into the kiss and reluctantly pulled back. We stared deeply into each others eyes and leaned in again but suddenly everything went black.


" Oi! " I opened my eyes to see that my face was connected with the floor. Sigh. I must have rolled out of bed. I got up and noticed that I was drenched in sweat and my breathing was coming in short and raspy. I started to walk out of my bunk room to get water to shake off my dream but apperently fate had other plans.

" Fuck.. " I stubbed my toe. I ignored the little stabs of pain in my pinkie toe and continued on my way. I reached into the cabinet and pulled out my favorite Batman glass and got some water from the tap. I quickly guzzled it down and went to get another glass full when I felt that I wasn't alone. I turned around to see the one and only person I didn't want to see right now.


" Bad dream? " He asked. 

" Y - Yeah.. I - I Gues - s.. " I stuttered. I mentally kicked myself for letting my control slip showing him that I was nervous.

" Hey you ok Andy? You look like you're in pain. " He seemed reaslly concerned. He started walking towards me but I stiffened and moved away not wanting to touch him. I could see concern and hurt flash in his eyes before his face hardened.

" Y -Yeah.. I just stubbed my toe. I'm Gonna go smoke. Uh.. Night Ash." I said quickly before walking outside of the tour bus and sat in the grass. I put my head in my hands and groaned. I took out my cigarettes and lighter and started smoking one letting the smoke enduced calm spread over me. I feel so bad that I didn't let him comfort me. You could see how I hurt him clearly in his beautiful chocolate brow- OH MY GOD. STOP THINKING LIKE THAT ANDY. I don't know what has gotten in to me and quite frankly, I don't like it. I'm not in love with Ashley. I can't be. He's my best friend, My band mate and most importantly, he's a guy. I'm not gay! And even if I was, A guy like him would never fall in love with me. I sighed and put out my cigarette. I stood up and went back inside to my bed. Falling asleep quickly dreaming of Ashley once more.

Ashleys P.O.V

" I love you Andy; Forever. " I said. Resting my forehead against his.

" I love you too Ashley; Forever. " As he said these words I leaned my face closer to his and my breath hit his face making his own hitch in the back of his throat. We both leaned and our lips connected sending an electric current through my entire body. My heart started racing and he smiled into the kiss and he pulled back. We stared deeply into each others eyes and leaned in again but suddenly everything went black.

I opened my eyes and sighed. This dream was beginning to get on my last nerve. Why can't it be real? Why can't real Andy be in love with me just like dream Andy? I felt tears in my eyes and before they could spill over I heard a crash.

" Oi! " I heard Andy say. He must have rolled out of bed again. I chuckled and wiped the tears from my eyes. I heard another bang.

" Fuck.. " I'm guessing he';s going to smoke. I got out of my bunk and found him in the kitchen guzzling water like it was the first time he had something in a month. He went to get more when he suddenly turned around and saw me standing there.

" Bad dream? " I asked.

" Y - Yeah.. I - I Gues - s.. " He stuttered. He sounded nervous for some reason.

" Hey you ok Andy? You look like you're in pain. " I asked concerned. I started walking towards him but he stiffened and moved away not wanting to touch me. I felt concerned as to why he was acting so weird and hurt because he doesn't want to touch me. I hardened my face before he could see anything flash in my eyes.

" Y -Yeah.. I just stubbed my toe. I'm Gonna go smoke. Uh.. Night Ash." He said quickly before disappearing  outside of the tour bus. I sighed and walked back into my bunk room and layed in my bed. I let one lone tesr slip before I fell into a deep sleep with dreams full of Andy and his perfect face. 


PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASEEEEEE TELL ME YOU LIKED IT?!?! c: I dunno if I did good or not but I'm hoping I did.. Well.. tell me in the comments or by voting or whatever crap it is you do on here to show me you like it. c: Peace Out Broseph! <3

~ TishyInReverse

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2012 ⏰

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