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"Sha-na-na, na-na-na..." Huey's singing signaled his arrival and also made Pecola uncurl up from the crying position she had been in since...she checked the time to see that it was 11:30. So she had spent the past hour or so crying and didn't get anything done, which made her feel even worse. Lately, it seemed like she spent more of the time upset, procrastinating, feeling sorry for herself, and dreading the next day rather than being productive and living up to what was supposed to be the best years of her life as a college student.

However, by the time Huey had entered the bedroom with a curse because he had tripped over one of the books she had left on the floor in front of the doorway, she was sitting up and in the process of drying her red eyes with light dabs using the back of her hand.

"Hey, you're finally home. " She said as he plopped down on the bed to give her a kiss on the cheek. "Sorry, about the mess. I was studying for finals and you know my essays and stuff and I guess I got a little carried away with spreading stuff out for easy access." She scrunched her nose at the wimp of some flowery perfume that suggested he had been unfaithful by choosing to ignore it.

To make it look like she hadn't been sitting in a ruminating heady funk, she moved the mouse around on her laptop to make it seem as if she was reading the document.

"Oh, okay. Let me tell you about this racist shit that happened to me at the...." He said, yanking off his already loose tie and unbuttoning his shirt. Pecola zoned out as he was talking about what she figured was going to happen but he didn't seem to notice her being not attentive as he pulled off the rest of his dress clothes from the event. It wasn't until after he noticed she hadn't been making the affirmative sounds of confirmation to his laments in the right places, did he ask her about her day. "So what did you do while I was out?" He finally noticed her red, pumpy eyes. "Don't tell me you got worried?"

"I was studying..." She trailed off before mumbling under her mumbling. "But of course, I was worried. You could have called, you know."

"Robin, you know you could've called me if you were that worried over nothing rather than sit here all day and mope around." He shook his head with an odd facial expression at his face that involved an amused smile flashing over what would have been an otherwise pensive look. "I was just out with Reggie and them."

At this, Pecola started thinking that maybe she was a horrible overthinker that always jumped to the worst conclusions without any logic or reasonable explanations. Maybe she was just too invested in the negatives. She could have been out and about with friends if she had any. Despite having a friendly persona known as Robin, Pecola didn't really have anyone that came to mind she could call on as friends to hang with beside her sister Tae. At the same time, Pecola believed that her calls or attempts of reaching out was a sign of weakness that showed a vulnerability of hers that could be exploited.

There was a lag in the conversation that involved Huey just waiting for her to say something while watching her scroll back and front on her laptop.

"You know I could help you study." He finally broke the silence, which made Pecola's face light up.

She moved over so that they were facing each other on the bed with her laptop in her lap. She would read to him and talk about her interpretation of the various laws and historical events pertaining to the treatment of Black Eaglelanders in the 19th and 20th century. Huey yawned while hearing about how their African ancestors had been treated as chattel, reduced to property, and labeled as any word that referred to their "blackness" as defined by their nonblack enslavers. He rolled his after hearing about how these Black folks were they were transported and later sold to various folks within country before Eagleland "legally" abolished the slave trade and certain types of slavery in the colonies due to the loss of the Carribeans and Turtle Island because of the slave revolts.

Pecola || camp nanoWhere stories live. Discover now