guuh you shouldnt read rhis this is only for my entertainment lol

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"Bruce!" John said with a giggle.

Bruce turned towards the door that kept John behind it. They opened it and before Bruce could react, John ran right into his arms. An orderly walked up to them and pulled them apart. "Hey! You're not allowed to touch. Rules." John looked down at the ground. "Oh, sorry, I forgot. I'm just so excited to see my buddy again!!" John pulled Bruce into the room and shut the door behind him, pulling him into yet another tight hug.  "Uhh.. Yeah.." Bruce said as he pulled away from the hug. John looked down at the ground for a second, and then clasped his hands together as he looked back up at Bruce. "Why?" He asked. "Huh?" Bruce asked back with a confused look on his face. "Why did you come back here?" John asked. Bruce looked down at the ground as he thought.
You see, he was marked as John's emergency contact. (You should know loll) John didn't really have any.. Family, either. Nobody knew who he was. So, seeing as John being closest to Bruce at first glance, Dr Leland decided to contact Bruce. The reason they wanted John out of Arkham was because someday he was bound to get out. Whether it was him escaping, or getting out with permission, but as you can see, it didn't go well at all the last time they let him out. So Dr Leland came to the conclusion to just let John go and not let this facility do anything worse. They came to the conclusion that, seeing Bruce as closest to John, they wanted him to try to rehabilitate him. He was the only person who could pick him up, after all.
"Buddy? You there?" Bruce snapped out of it and looked up at John. "Oh! Yeah! It's just.. I came to get you because.." Bruce put his hand on John's shoulder. He decided to prove to John that he cared about him, saying that he actually came to get him because he felt bad for him being here, even though that wasn't the case. "I, uh. I came to pick you up and take you home. I want to try to save you." John's eyes lit up. "Oh, I knew you couldn't stay away could you! We have so much catching up to do!" Bruce peered behind John at the photo of the two of them together. He took his hand off John's shoulder. "I'll leave you to it then. I'll be in the lobby." Bruce said as he turned around and opened the door.

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