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"Will you take my soul in the midnight rain? While I'm falling apart, while I'm going insane." ~Broken, Lund.


I thought about only one thing as I walked the corridors of my apartment building; how all my stress from work today was going to vanish when I was about to see my baby girl. I unlock the door and the apartment is quieter than I thought.

"Amelia!" I call out. No answer.

I kick off my heels and hang my purse and coat on the coat hanger behind the door.

"Lia, sweetie, Momma's home!" I coo hopefully, to get the 2-year old's attention.

Her toys littered the living room floor, but there was no sign of life. I went it to her nursrey, only to find it ransacked. The crib was knocked over, drawers from her dresser were thrown onto the floor, it's contents spilling out. Her changing table was knocked over to it's side; it was clearly broken, where the wood split from it's impact on the ground.

What the hell happend here?

I took out my phone from my back pocket, and dialled my roommate's number. She was supposed to watch her today, since my friend, who usually watched Amelia while I work, was sick. Maybe I was over reacting. Maybe they went out to the park, and I missed the note she left for me.

As my phone rung telling me it was trying to reach Katie, I heard Katie's ringtone coming from the kitchen.

"Hi, you've reached me, Katie Bell, I obviously can't come to the phone right now, so leave a message, and I'll try to call back."


I slowly made my way over to the kitchen, scared of what I would find. I couldn't believe what I found there.

I screamed when I saw Katie lying in a pool of blood on the kitchen tiles. One of my hands covered my mouth, while the other wrapped around my stomach, my breathing erratic. My back finds a wall, and I sink down to the floor, my vision blurred with tears. I don't know what to do.

I'm going to get sick. Katie's eyes are open and are staring right at me. I get up and run to the bathroom. I reach the toilet, but barely. I'm finally able to rest my back against a wall, still not feeling too well. I pick up my phone, and call the police.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Please, you have to help me, they have my baby!" I screamed at the operator.

"Who has your baby?"

"They do! You have to help me! They took her, and shot my roommate! Please, just help me!" I cried. I cam barely breathe. The sickness lingering in my stomach dosen't mix with the crying and anger I'm feeling.

"Ma'am, I'm going to need you to calm down, so you can tell me where you live. Just take slow, deep breaths. Can you do that for me?"

I nodded my head even though he obviously couldn't see me, and told him where I live. 

"Apartment 8. 9th floor."

I hung up the phone and sat on the bathroom floor, not knowing what to do till the police get here. What the hell do they want with my baby? She's too young to understand them if they order her to be a maid. She's too innocent to rape.

The police came about 10 minutes later, and I was forced to go out and open the door for them. The smell of Katie is intoxicating while I walk to to door, and I almost throw up again. She must be laying there all day. 

I sat on the couch, and a woman, in her late 20's sat down next to me.

"Hermione?" her voice was soft and fragile, making me realize she didn't want to scare me.

I look at her letting her know she has my attention. I don't need to say anything.

"I'm Detective Miller.  I want to ask you a few questions and get your side of the story. Is that ok?"

I nod my head, and drew a deep before beginning. When I'd finished, Detective Miller nodded sympathetically. 

I raised my phone and I searched through my contacts for Fred's contact number. To my surprise, his number hadn't changed, nor did he ignore my call. I couldn't help the flicker of hope inside me as he answered, "Hello?"


"Who is this?"

The hope I had just gotten diminished as I realised that even though he hadn't changed his number, he'd deleted mine from his phone.

"It's, uh, it's Hermione Granger. Fred, please, don't hang up," I rushed with my words. "I'd really like to talk to you."

My voice was weak.

There was a long pause, and I started to think he'd hung up, but he proved me wrong. "What is it about?"

"Well, it's really important. D-do you think you can meet me? Are you in town - or at least in the country?"

"Yeah, actually I am. We can meet at Tim Horton's in the middle of time. Actually I'm staying at the far side of the town, so this way, we can meet halfway."

Of course, he's staying at the far side of the town, where the wealthier people live. I was shocked even that he was willing to meet me.

"Yeah, of course that works." I agreed.

"See you then."

 The line went dead, and I got up to get dressed in something more comfortable. I felt nervous, and that's an understatement.

What the hell possesed me to do this?

First chapter's here. If you want an idea of how Amelia looks like, I added a picture on top of the Prologue. Thank you so much for the support you guys are already showing the story, you're amazing! Also, I'll be adding at least one musical reference to each chapter, in honour of LabriniKotsiori, lol. x


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