Dear child

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I am gratful you ave chosen to ask me for support. Do not worry about your writin I am lucky I was schooled but that wasnt for long and i am by no meens grat at writin ether.

Your friend took grat truble getting your letters to me, you are very lucky to have found each other. I wish to meet both of you I feel we should talk about what I can offer. I would love to elp you in anyway I can.

I ave given your friend some clothing wich I ope will help you to pass through the borders, in order to meet me. As your friend has already managed to provide your letters I have great faith you will manage to journey to me.

I wish to meet you as soon as possible. Your friend informed me it takes aproximently 2 weeks to walk from my home to your dump. So I think I shall give you a month to meet me. Say we shall meet by the large oak tree across the border on the night of the next but one full moon. I have spoken to your friend about this as I know you may struggle to read this information. If you miss this date, I very much hope you won't, your friend knows my house - come here but only at night. You know this will be dangerous, but you have already taken steps to meet me.

I look forward to meeting you both.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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