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So this is my first fanfic so be nice! I hope you enjoy!

This takes place in London England I know Zoe is not 18 but humor me please :)
Much love❤️-Beccs xoxo

*Zoe's POV*

Yay! Schools over! It's almost done finally. The ceramony is tomorrow and I'm at the local ice cream shop with my best friends Lily and Alex (a/n alex is a boy) we were celebrating by trying to eat the 'everything but the kitchen sink'. It was a special thing only 'Billys ice cream' did and it was 30scoops of ice cream im a huge bowl and you have 20 mins to eat all of it and if you did it would be free and he would nane a flavour of ice cream whatever you want for the whole month. If you didn't finish it though it cost 35€ which none of us wanted to pay. I had stopped eating because I was having a brain freeze which threw Lily into a laughing attack. Alex was trying to yell at us to start eating again whilst he had a mouth full of ice cream which caused Lily to laugh even harder. I knew that Alex would loose it if we didn't start eating again so I picked up my spoon and started to shovel ice cream in my mouth. Lily followd suit after wiping tears from her eyes from laughing too hard. As Alex scooped the last bit of ice cream into his mouth the buzzer went off indicating that the 20 minutes was up. We cheered loudly causing everyone else to look over at us giving us an annoyed look wich caused us to laugh just then Billy walked up to our table congratulating us "Wow good job kids! And Congrats on graduating!" Lily was quick to respond "Thanks Billy! Now can we name a flavour of ice cream!" Billy chuckled at her egerness signaling us to follow him to the counter. "What flavour do you fancy naming?" Billy asked us. "Mint chocolate chip!" I told him quickly. "No, cookie dough!" Lily said. "Nuh uh! No way, Mint chocolate chip" Alex said backing me up. "Two against one!" I yelled in victory "Ugh fine mint choco" Lily gave in. I smiled huge as we turned back to Billy. "Okay Mint choco chip. What would you like to name it?" Billy asked us takimg the little tag from the front of the case erasing the chalk that indicated the name. We didn't really think about it before hand but we were all thinking the same thing our favorite YouTubers Tyler Oakley and Troye Sivan "Troyler" we all in unison said our otp of the internet then broke out laughing.

It had been a rough school year for all of us so I was so happy we were all still friends and that it was over. Going into the year Alex and Lily had been dating for 3 years and that's how I became friends with Alex too. But a third through the year Alex said that he fancied a boy named Michael. Lily was so upset and cut off Alex completely. I was there for Alex throughout the whole thing causing Lily to hate me by association. I really loved both of them but I felt like I needed to be there for Alex telling his parents and dealing with the confusion that he was going through. It was obvious that he needed me more than ever and I needed to be there for him. It was hard on mine and Lilys friendship but she realized that this was who Alex was and that it wasn't a choice and if she loved him she would be there for him.


"it's okay Al. I support you and love you and will always be here for you" I told him reassuring him before he talked to his family. "Okay..." Alex said in a shaky voice "Thank you for everything. Especially choosing me instead of Lily" I looked at the floor then back into his eyes "Thats alright. I never choose you over her you though. You needed me and I knew that so I did everything I could to help you" I spoke quietly looking back to the floor. *ding dong* We then heard Lilys voice asking his mom if he was home. I looked at him with confusion he just shrugged a moment later Lily was standing in his doorway aking if she could talk to us. "Umm... Sure I guess" Alex said I could tell he wasn't sure if this was going to hurt him or me. "Thanks" Lily said entering the room "I'm so sorry Alexander!" She blurted "I'm sorry that I didn't support you. I thought that I was what turned you gay, but I know that being gay isn't a choice its something you can't change its who you are." She looked at the floor then at Alex then me and back at Alex. "SHHH!" Alex exclaimed and got up to look out the door. "Oh my god you haven't told your parents. I'm so sorry!" She turned bright red. "Well if you were here for him like me you would have known" I spat instantly regretting it "I'm sorry Lil" I said looking into her eyes that were filled of hurt and surprise. "I didn't mean it Lil I just got upset because today was the day he was going to tell them and I wanted him to tell them and not have to over hear it " I felt myself go red with shame. "it's okay Zo" Lily said hugging me "Lily, thank you so much for coming to apologize it means a lot" Alex spoke closing the door. "I've been watching a lot of videos on YouTube of Tyler Oakley and Troye Sivan. And I finally understood that this wasn't a choice and it wasn't me it's just you as a person and I totally understand now" Lily said looking into Alexs eyes as she spoke. "Thank you Lil" He said tearing up. "That's alright" Lily replied. We all sat in silence then Alex broke the silence "I'm going to tell my family could you guys come with me for moral support? Please" He finished looking at us with puppy dog eyes. "Of course Al" I replied not being able to resist his pleading. "Anything for you Alexander" Lily said.

**end of flashback**

I was brought back from the memory by Lily yelling at me to get out of the car I looked up and realized that we were already at my house. "Thanks Lil" I said gathering my school bag and purse saying my goodbyes and getting out. I waved goodbye then headed around to the back (my room was closer to the back door than the front.

Thanks for reading guys! Please leave comments saying what you want to happen next! I promise it will get better! I'm going to write the next chapter rn so it'll be up soon!

Much love❤️- Beccs xoxo

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