His Crush ch.0

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Draco's POV:
'Today's a new day' I thought to myself as I brush my hair with excitement "Dray?" Thats Harry my roommate and best friend. You could say that I have a tiny bit crush on him, but anyway I turned at the door "Coming wait for me!" I said a bit loud for him to hear and continued brushing my hair "Okay but be quick, I don't wanna get detention again" he replied "Shut up Harry it isn't my fault" I responded

After class we both had lunch
"Hey draco" Harry sat down on the stairs beside me
"Do you wanna go to the art room?" He asked. I look at him and said "yes" we went to the art room and placed our bags beside the door I sat on a stool while Harry gets the canvas and paints. "What do you think I should do?" I asked "I don't know..maybe a lion?" He suggested "your right!!" I said excitedly I snatched the canvas and paints in Harry's hand and starts to sketch. He chuckled "what?" I asked not looking in his direction but focusing on the drawing "Your cute" I looked at his direction and saw him smiling at me I looked back at the canvas hiding my blushing face..suddenly the door opened and revealed a beautiful girl with red hair "Sorry did I ruined anything?" She asked "no nothing important" Harry replied without a heartbeat. He looked into her eyes as if she were the most beautiful person in the entire world, I felt MY world falling in to pieces.."I'm ginny weasley" she introduces herself as she smiled at Harry "I'm Harry Potter, and this is my best friend draco" he replies I smiled at her

Harry's POV:
'Shes so gorgeous' I thought to my self, I looked at draco and I saw him smiling to Ginny, but it was not any kind of smile..I saw that smile when we first met..it was a fake one 'maybe he isn't feeling good' I thought to my self again

Third person Pov:
Ginny smiles at them and saw the drawing that draco created "your so good at drawing Draco!" She compliments, Draco thanked her and gets back to drawing "don't you love lions Harry?" She asked the boy "I do it's my favorite animal" he replies "mine too!" She said excitedly. Meanwhile draco was trying to hide his tears he stood up and grabs the canvas "where are you going dray?" Harry asked as he grabbed Draco's arm "I'm going back to the dorm..i have something to take care of." Draco respond "Aren't we gonna study-" "I'll help you" Ginny interrupted. Draco smiled at him, grabbed his bag and took off

When draco arrived at his room he slams the door and laid in his bed 'he liked her doesn't he?' He thought to himself 'of course he do..he's not a freak..like me' He thought again. He changed his clothes and slept

How was it?


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