Mistakes and forgiveness ch. 2

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Draco's POV:
"We're late" Blaise said breaking the hug "let's skip" Pansy smirked we nod in agreement

"Let's go to the library?" I suggested "Wait" Pansy rushed to her locker and opened it, she took out a notebook and locked her locker. She came to us and handed the book "here's a lollipop" she took out two and I grabbed the blue one. "I'll take the red, why do you have lollipops in your locker?" Blaise asked "I honestly don't know" Pansy replied "the book of..witch and wizardly. pansy, what are you 5? Why would you carry a book like this?" I asked and Blaise laugh at that "it's not just any book" Pansy said quietly. I raised my brow telling her to continue "it's a book that I got from mother, she said it works so I tried it out for my self" I opened the book and saw many kinds of spell "what a joke.." I said quietly "a love spell!" Blaise points his finger on the spell. We both looked at him "what do we need it for?" Pansy asked "it's for me" Blaise responded "don't force love" I said to him "I know I'm just kidding" Blaise replied. We headed towards the library

We heard murmurs, we checked and saw Harry and Ginny laughing..I've never seen him smiled like that before..before I know it tears are almost coming out. Pansy held out his handkerchief and I gladly took it "thanks.." I thanked her "it's okay dray..I'm pretty sure that their just friends." She patted my back

A couple of months later Harry began to get distance from me..he'd rather hang out with Ginny.. I was walking down the hall when I bumped to someone "sorry mate, didn't see you there" said a red haired boy "Ron seriously, watch were your going!" Scolded the girl with brown curly hair. "I'm Hermione Granger, and you are?" She asked "Draco Malfoy" I answered politely "a Malfoy! I've never thought I'd ever see one!" She said in amusement "pardon?" I asked slightly confused "your father is quite successful and is famous around here" The red hair explains. Hermione smiles at me "oh and I'm Ron Weasley" he introduces himself "are you the brother of Ginny Weasley?" I asked quietly "you know her? Don't tell me your one of her-" "heavens no!" I interrupted in a heartbeat. He looks relieved "are you going to the library?" Hermione asks "yes" I replied "great! We are too, do you mind?" She asked again "I don't" I smiled at them


My Mistakes (Drarry)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن