Chapter Seven

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Knocking on the door. 

That's what caused me to freeze on the spot, midway down the stairs in nothing but pajama pants and a stained t-shirt. Leo stopped at the bottom of the stairs as well, his gym shorts and think white shirt covered in sweat from running around outside. 

We both turned to look at each other, Leo jumping when another knock resonated throughout the house. I cursed, shuffling down the stairs quietly and rushing to the counter for my phone. Leo furrowed his brows, staring at me in confusion as I held a finger to my lips, gesturing for him to be quiet. 

I typed feverishly into the Safari browser, Google Translate popping up quickly while I wrote, tip-toeing towards Leo and putting my phone right against the door, turning up the volume to max level and pressing the speaker button. 

"I'm sorry, unfortunately nobody is home right now. Come again later..." The monotone robot voice caused Leo to freeze completely, wide-eyed and staring at me as a smile crept onto his face. His lips rolling into his mouth as he tried to control his breathing, shuffling into the downstairs closet and snickering quietly. 

I huffed as silently as possible, rolling my eyes as I waited for whoever was behind this door to leave. A frustrated groan came from the person outside, and I peeked my head out the hole, ogling at the sight of the attractive man. I bit my lip. 

My hand grabs the handle of my front door, not moving as my brain fights with me. 

Don't do it, you'll look more stupid than you already do?

Haven't we passed that line? I'm sure we gave up on avoiding looking stupid after the parking lot incident.

Doesn't matter now. This is a hot guy we're talking about. 

Exactly my point! Screw it. 

Right as I watch the guy turn to leave, I whip the door, open, leaning my arm against the door frame casually and smiling at the man in front of me. He's got wavy brown hair, the curls of it sticking in small tufts. I'm shocked by how bright his eyes are though, the bright brown color almost an orange instead. 

"Hi there," I greet, watching him stare at me for a second, his ogling making my inner self-conscious die in a pit of misery. 

"Um, hi. This is Sara Metlin's house, right?" He asks, shuffling forward slightly. I nod, now noticing the familiar company shirt he's wearing, and the pickup truck parked in front of my driveway. 

He works for Michelle. 

"I'm guessing you're here for the haunted house?"

"Yes, may I come in?" He asks, and I nod furiously, turning around and walking out to the garage right as Leo opens the door, half of the wooden contraption hitting my body as I stumble back, hitting someone's chest before I'm jumping out of the way of both boys, my cheeks heating. 

"Shoot, sorry Sara-" Leo cuts himself off as he stares at the man who's staring at me, as I stare at Leo. "Who's this?"

"Leo this is the guy who's gonna help us build the haunted house, we're mapping out where everything is gonna go right now," I smile, introducing the two to each other. Leo nods, shaking the man's hand. 

"I'm Dan by the way," He tells me, flashing a warm smile. I grin, gesturing for both of them to follow me into the garage as we enter the empty space. For the past two days all Leo and I have been doing besides living life is clearing out room for the haunted house. It took forever to decide how we were going to pull the whole thing together, but luckily Pinterest was able to help us out. 

"Nice to meet you Dan. So we're thinking to start the haunted house outside, have it go through the garage, and then out the front door. We're going to need a lot of walls too," I note, watching an pull out a notepad, writing down whatever Leo and I throw at him. 

After explaining how we want to set up the walls, and the direction everything is going to be placed, Dan speaks up. 

"Do you possibly have a layout of your house ready? Or maybe even a map of the haunted house?" 

Leo nods excitedly, rushing back into the house to get the grid Michelle had given us. "Yep, be right back!"

I turn around, looking around the garage-



Love Tristan <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2020 ⏰

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