Chapter 3

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I sigh as I rest my head on my desk. I can feel a migraine coming up. Today has just been more hectic than usual because of the ongoing project.

Being the CEO to a big well known company isn't easy. My name is Julian Wes Lockwood. CEO of MILLER'S GROUP. I am 27 years turning 28 on October 2nd. I've been the CEO since I turned 18 because of the sudden death of my father.

I can say that I've been doing a good job running the company all by myself all these years. I'm often referred to as egotistical, arrogant and a play boy but I mean, all works and no play makes Jack a dull boy(I mentally smirk)

I am brought out of my reverie as there is a knock on my door

"Come in"

My secretary, Maya steps into the room, her stomach first. You see Maya is pregnant, I don't know how many months all I know is her tummy is huge, okay not that big but still.  She's been my secretary for 3 years now and damn does she know her work

"Sir, the contractor we are supposed to meet by 4:30 just called to cancel due to some urgent family emergency"

"Okay and how many times have I told to call me by name when we are alone"

"And how many times have I told that at the office, we have a professional relationship" We have become friends over the years. She's like an older sister.

"Okay okay you win for now. Do I still anything left in my schedule for today"

She smiled at this, she must have know that I'm so done for the day. "No Sir, you are free for the rest of today. If that's all, I would like to go now"

"Thanks you, you can take your leave and don't forget to email me the draft of today's meeting"

"Will do sir. Bye" She leaves and closes the door behind her.

I just can't wait to go home. I'm in dieing need of a hot shower and food. Today has just been stressful. I just wish I can't take a vacation for like a week and go to some island that has no signal whatsoever.

I arrange my desk and grab a few files to take home and but them in my briefcase and collect my keys, phone and wallet. I leave the office and go straight to the elevator and press the last floor. As I'm waiting, I text my driver to get the car ready.

I look up just in time to hear ding!! just as the elevator door opens. I step out and moves towards the entrance. I nod at the lady at the front desk and leave the building. My driver, Matthew greets me then opens the backseat door.

"Where to Sir"

"Just home. Am not in the mood to make any pit stops"

He closes the door then drives off. I rest my head back and sigh Ahh. Home, here I come.


A/N : Don't forget to vote and comment.
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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