Chapter 3

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My last name, Tyche, means Luck in Greek.  My mother thought that maybe our last name would have been a charm. A husband dead from the mines, a son dead in the games and a daughter headed to the arena. Doesn't seem very lucky to me.

After a few minutes of sitting with my face in my hands, the door opens up. I stand eagerly. My mother and little sister step into the room. Immediately, Juniper buries her face into my chest. I pull her onto my lap. I look up at my mother.

"Where's Caerus?"

She wraps her arms around us and quietly says "He asked to come in on his own."

A minute passes before Juniper whispers, "Daniel taught you how to hunt. You can use that."

I glance up at my mom, who raises her eyebrow. How did she know Daniel and I went into the woods. What does it matter now?

"Yes. I can use that."

"And you'll try your hardest to win? For me?" She says, looking into my eyes.

"Yes. I'll try June." I choke out.

She continues to hug me and I tell my mother the most important things on my mind.

"I'm going to tell him this but don't let Caerus or June take our tessaure. Daniel will teach Caseus to hunt and June knows the meadow. Don't let June watch. Please. And whatever you do, please don't leave them."

She knows what I mean. Some parents go insane watching their children die.

My mother nods, tears slipping down her face. My poor, cursed mother. Will she forever be subject to watch her children die for entertainment?

We  lurch each other tightly for a little longer before the peacekeepers open the door.

June hugs he tighter and starts to sob harder.

"I love you, I love you, I love you." I kiss her head over and over. One peacekeeper grabs my mother's arm and another grabs Juniper.

"I love you Estelle. Don't forget." My mother calls. Juniper pulls against the peacekeeper, but I nudge her into my mother's arm and step back toward the couch. The last image I have of them is my mother's back and Junipers swollen face.

The door slammed shut and I dropped back in my seat, unable to stop th tears from slowly dripping down my cheeks. Before I have time to gather myself the door opens and Daniel walks in. The sobs that I have managed to keep in come loose. All the breath is squeezed from my body as he holds me. After a few seconds, he speaks.

"Remember everything I taught you in the woods. You can climb. You know the plants. You can set snares. You know how to handle a bow."

"Not well." I sniff.

"You can hit anything with a knife Estelle. Don't doubt yourself."

"I can't help it Daniel. I'm terrified."

"I know." He hugs me tighter.

"Please take care of my family. Especially Caerus."

"Of course I will. I wouldn't let them die."

We stand for a few more seconds before I gather myself and pull back from the hug a little to look into his eyes. "You have to promise me something." I say softly.

"Ok." He whispers. "What is it?"

I reach up and cup his face. I can see tears are threatening to spill over his dark lashes. "You have to promise me," My words catch in my throat, "Promise me that you'll marry that pretty girl from the Apothecary."

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