Part 1

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("Can't believe I got myself into this crazy situation my brother going to kill me if he finds out!...") Well IMA tell y'all how it all began. When I was 15 me and my brother kenyun who was 18 at the time lost our parents from a bad car accident he decided to not go to college and play ball but instead wanted to make sure I was OK, in doing so he was very strict on me i couldn't go out or have my best friend maria aka ria over unless he was at the house all because he wanted to make sure I finish school and go to college as we planned. Well over the years my brother became one of the biggest drug dealers in the game and everybody in the city knew that I was his sister and not to talk to me or they would have to deal with him. Now that I am 20 and in my last year of college, he was even more strict, still nobody could come to the house without him being there and he only let 1 guy come over and that was his right hand man/bestfriend sean who he trusted with his life. One day he called me to come down stairs. Kenyun:"keyunie come here right quick"

keyunie: "OK bro I'm coming"  kenyun: "do u remember Sean?" Keyunie: (looks at Sean thinking damn he fine as hell he really done glowed up)"yes I remember him" kenyun:"OK good because he going to be staying here with u for a week until I get back in town I gotta go handle some business and he the only one that I trust to keep a watch on u."

Keyunie:"omg kenyun I'm a big girl I can watch myself u know" kenyun:"but what did I say!!..." Keyunie:"OK fine whatever!" (So kenyun leaves to go handle his business, day 1 and day 2 was not easy for keyunie and sean. Keyunie gave Sean hell because he really took his job serious.) (Welp day 3 comes and keyunie best friend ria came over to chill.) "Door bell rings" (Sean gets the door) ria:"DAMN U FINE!" Sean:"thanks but who are u?" (Keyunie yells from the stair way) "that's my best friend ria let her in Sean dang!" (Ria go into keyunie's room) ria:"girl he fine as fuck. I can't believe u haven't hoped on that yet." Keyunie:"well not everybody a freak like u hoe lol" ria:"whatever with yo virgin ass lol. Besides everybody know yo brother will kill him and yo ass lol" keyunie:"exactly bitch!! exactly!" (Hours went by and ria left but keyunie couldn't help but think about what ria was saying about Sean, he was fine as hell and she couldn't control her thoughts around him but she knew her brother would go crazy if she did try something with Sean) (well day 4 comes and keyunie starts acting different with Sean she was being nice to him and even flirted with him some Sean didn't know what to think, he was attracted to keyunie and wanted her bad but knew what the consequence would be if kenyun found out. Later that night...) keyunie:"Sean can u come help me get something off my shelf in my closet plz???" Sean:"yes I got u" (Sean goes into her room and keyunie is standing there with her bra and panties on, instead of Sean leaving he stood there memorized) keyunie:"well do u like what u see?" Sean:"key what are u doing?" Keyunie:"come on Sean I know u want me I want u too let's stop playing these games with each other and make something happen" (keyunie starts walking up close to sean) Sean:"key u know we can't do...." (Keyunie cuts him off) "yes we can I won't tell my brother and I know u defiantly won't tell him either." (Keyunie start kissing Sean he pulls back at first) sean:"key this is wrong!!..." Keyunie:"let's make it right then." (She pulls him onto her bed and welp let's just say keyunie is no longer a virgin and Sean was now the only thing in her head)

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