
830 15 4

Code #5
Age 16
Gender male
Pronouns: he him
Height 5,7
Ability material fusion
Sousuke can melt into any metal or rock. During the fusion the only way for him to take damage is being separated from the substance. He can also move the Metal or rock with his limbs inside of the substance but cant make the material have more molecules (or bigger in size) his weight is also added to the materials weight.
Eye color: black
Personality: Tsundere ,smart ass, dramatic Emo ass
Hair color: black
Relationships: kokichi (close friend)
Inito (crush)
Rotaro (best friend)
Preferred weapon: surroundings
Sexuality: homosexual
Likes: pretty things , rain, yogurt
Dislikes: crowds, alarm clocks ,ugly things
Hobbies: reading and writing and technology HES rlly good with computer stuff, sousuke enjoys taking walks in the rain it's rlly comforting to him
Favorite flavor: kiwi 🥝

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