
513 7 8

Code #2
Age: 24
Gender: female
Pronouns: she they
Height 6,0
Ability: at the tips of her fingers are strings they cannot be seen by her victims she wraps them around the victims heart to rip it out in the  process of having her heart strings wrapped around an individual she can manipulate their say and actions with her hands.
Eye color: velvet purple
Personality: flirty dramatic narcissistic MOM
Hair color: light purple/blond
Relationships: Aku (boyfriend)
Everyone's mom😴
Preferred weapon: whip
Sexuality: Pan
Likes: erotic things, herself, taking care of the other members, playing with men's hearts😜
Dislikes: cooking bad hygiene
Hobbies: night clubbing, casinos, gambling
Favorite flavor: cherry 🍒

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