Baby Fever Part. 2

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Betty's POV

I awake for an unknown reason. Is Juggie awake? No, he's sound asleep beside me. Is there a storm wreaking havoc outside my window? No. Then why am I awake.

Suddenly my stomach starts to churn and a taste of bile starts to rise in my throat. So this is what woke me up. I throw Jug's arm off of me causing him to startle awake.

"Betts, what are you doing? Come back to bed." He groans, sleepily. But I just ignore him as I run to the bathroom. I kneel in front of the toilet and release the wonderful supper Jug made us. What a waste. Speaking of him, he's right behind me. "Oh, Betts." He says in a worried tone. He kneels down beside me and grabs my hair, pulling it out of my face. With his other hand, he rubs my back in soothing circles, calming me down.

This has been happening every night now for the past few days. I have been in bed resting because of how tired I am but the weird thing is is that I can't stop eating. Usually, with a cold, I would turn food away instead of chowing it down. And don't get me started on how many times I have to use the bathroom in a day.

When I'm finally done after what feels like hours I curl up in Jug's arms with my knees tucked under my chin. He places a kiss on the top of my head for comfort. "I hate throwing..." I pause in the middle of my sentence.

"What is it, Betts?" My husband asks, stroking my hair.

It's like a shit ton of bricks filled with realization just hit me. Throwing up, extreme exhaustion, always needing to use the bathroom and insatiable hunger. I might be pregnant.

Now let's recap.

A few weeks ago I came back from a horrible day at work; I was absolutely miserable but my husband quickly fixed that problem. He drew us a nice bath to where he confessed to me that he had an extreme case of baby fever and one thing led to another to where I told him that I would stop taking my birth control and we could start trying to have a baby. He was utterly delighted of course and we had a little cry sesh together.

Ever since then, we have been prancing around like bunnies. On the table, in the kitchen, in the shower, at my mother's house and even in Archie and Veronica's bathroom. We were insane but all of it was mindblowing and I don't regret one thing.

During all that sex I definitely could've got pregnant.

"I might be pregnant." I mumble, not being able to comprehend the idea that those words insinuate.

"What Baby?" Jug asks a little more alert now.

I jolt up out of his arms. "I might be pregnant!" I scream at him. He seems confused at first but then he breaks out into a grin that reaches his eyes.

"Really!?" I nod my head, fastly. He picks me up and spins me around the room making me laugh out loud.

When he sets me down I start pacing. "We need to go buy a pregnancy test! Is there any pharmacies open 24 hours aroung here or stores or whatever." He puts his hands on my shoulders to stop my rambling.

"We don't have to worry-" I cut him off.

"Forsythe Pendleton Jones the third we are going to a damn pharmacy and buying a damn test even if I have to fucking drag your ass there because I am not going to sleep not knowing if I am pregnant or not!!! Understood?" He stares at me in shock. "Well!?"

He snaps out of whatever daze he was in. "Yes M'am."

"Good. Now let's go." I start walking out of the bathroom but he stays still. "NOW!" I yell and keep walking. He runs to catch up.

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